Mont Blanc Seen from La Faucille, Storm Effect, begun 1834, Théodore Rousseau, oil on canvas. Courtesy of Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, MIN1783. Photographer: Ole Haupt

Unruly Nature: The Landscapes of Théodore Rousseau


West Pavilion, Plaza Level

This is a past event

Though his reputation was eclipsed in the early twentieth century with the triumph of Impressionism, Théodore Rousseau (1812–1867) was one of the giants of French landscape in the second half of the nineteenth century, and his work was avidly collected for staggering sums across Europe and North America. Bringing together about seventy-five paintings and drawings, this international loan exhibition explores the astonishing technical and stylistic variety of his work, revealing him to be one of the most exciting, experimental, and affecting artists of his day.

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9 am–5 pm,
7 days a week

(310) 440-7300
