PDF Publications
Includes scientific research, conference proceedings, case studies, project reports, bibliographies, and works on aspects of conservation practice.
6th International Conference on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture (1990)
Neville Agnew, Michael Taylor, Alejandro Alva Balderrama, and Hugo HoubenView this title
Actas 9° Congreso Mundial de la Organizaciòn de las Ciudades Patrimonio Mundial (2008)
Edited by Juan Manuel Martinez, Françoise Descamps, and Kathleen LouwView this title
Actes 9e Congrès Mondial des Villes du Patrimoine Mondial (2008)
Edited by Juan Manuel Martinez, Françoise Descamps, and Kathleen LouwView this title
Airborne Particles in Museums (1993)
William W. Nazaroff, Mary P. Ligocki, Lynn G. Salmon, Glen R. Cass, Theresa Fall, Michael C. Jones, Harvey I.H. Liu, and Timothy MaView this title
Ancient & Historic Metals (1994)
Edited by David A. Scott, Jerry Podany, and Brian B. ConsidineView this title
Archaeological Sites in the Maya Area (2009)
Carolina Castellanos, Françoise Descamps and Jennifer CarballoView this title
Archaeometry of Pre-Columbian Sites and Artifacts (1992)
Edited by David A. Scott and Peter MeyersView this title
Assessment Report on Shuxiang Temple, Chengde (2009)
Chengde Cultural Heritage Bureau, Hebei Cultural Heritage Bureau, and The Getty Conservation InstituteView this title
Assessment of the Susceptibility to Biodeterioration of Selected Polymers and Resins (1988)
Robert J. Koestler and E.D. SantoroView this title
The Atlas of Analytical Signatures of Photographic Processes (2013)
Dusan C. Stulik and Art KaplanView this title
Chaco Culture National Historical Park (2003)
Marta de la Torre, Margaret G.H. Mac Lean, and David MyersView this title
Conservación de vidrieras históricas (1997)
Miguel Angel Corzo, y Nieves Valentín, coordinadoresView this title
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites Bibliography (2003)
Compiled by Martha DemasView this title
The Conservation Assessment (1999)
Contributors: Erica Avrami, Kathleen Dardes, Marta de la Torre, Samuel Y. Harris, Michael Henry, and Wendy Claire JessupView this title
La conservation des sites archéologiques dans la région mediterranéenne (1997)
Edited by Marta de la TorreView this title
The Conservation of Archaeological Sites in the Mediterranean Region (1997)
Edited by Marta de la TorreView this title
The Conservation of Artifacts Made from Plant Materials (1990)
Mary-Lou E. Florian, Dale Paul Kronkright, and Ruth E. NortonView this title
The Conservation of the Orpheus Mosaic at Paphos, Cyprus (1991)
Edited by Nicholas Stanley-PriceView this title
Conserving Concrete Heritage Experts Meeting Report (2015)
Alice Custance-Baker and Susan MacdonaldView this title
Conserving Outdoor Painted Sculpture (2014)
Edited by Lydia Beerkens and Tom LearnerView this title
Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage, Second Edition (2013)
Susan Macdonald and Gail OstergrenView this title
Creación de un plan de emergencia (1999)
Compiled by Valerie Dorge and Sharon L. JonesView this title
A Didactic Case Study of Jarash Archaeological Site, Jordan (2010)
David Myers, Stacie Nicole Smith, and May ShaerView this title
Document des Retables 2002 (2004)
Edited by The Getty Conservation Institute and Junta Andalucía Conserjería de CulturaView this title
Document on Retablos 2002 (2004)
Edited by The Getty Conservation Institute and Junta Andalucía Conserjería de CulturaView this title
El Documento de Retablos 2002 (2004)
Edited by The Getty Conservation Institute and Junta Andalucía Conserjería de CulturaView this title
Earthen Architecture Initiative Seismic Retrofitting Project Bibliography (2014)
Edited by Claudia Cancino, Sara Lardinois, Tim Michiels, and Poornima BalakrishnanView this title
Evaluation of Lime-Based Hydraulic Injection Grouts for the Conservation of Architectural Surfaces (2013)
Beril Biçer-Simsir and Leslie RainerView this title
Facing the Challenges of Panel Painting Conservation (2011)
Edited by Alan Phenix and Sue Ann ChuiView this title
The Feasibility of Using Modified Atmospheres to Control Insect Pests in Museums (1993)
Michael K. Rust and Janice M. KennedyView this title
Formation de technicians á l'entretien des mosaiques in situ (2013)
Livia Alberti, Elsa Bourguignon, and Thomas RobyView this title
From Start to Finish: De Wain Valentine's Gray Column (2011)
Tom Learner, Rachel Rivenc, Emma RichardsonView this title
Glossaire illustré: Formation de techniciens à l'entretien des mosaïques in situ (2013)
Livia Alberti, Elsa Bourguignon, Ermanno Carbonara, and Juana Segura EscobarView this title
Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site (2003)
Margaret G.H. Mac Lean and David MyersView this title
Guías de planeamiento e ingeniería para la estabilización sismorresistente de estructuras históricas de adobe (2002)
E. Leroy Tolles, Edna E. Kimbro, and William S. GinellView this title
Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site (2003)
Randall Mason, Margaret G. H. Mac Lean, and Marta de la TorreView this title
The Hieroglyphic Stairway of Copán, Honduras (2006)
The Getty Conservation Institute and Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e HistoriaView this title
Historical Painting Techniques, Materials and Studio Practice (1995)
Edited by Arie Wallert, Erma Hermens, and Marja PeekView this title
Incentives for the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Historic Homes in the City of Los Angeles (2004)
The Getty Conservation InstituteView this title
Inert Gases in the Control of Museum Insect Pests (1998)
Charles Selwitz and Shin MaekawaView this title
Infrared Spectroscopy in Conservation Science (1999)
Michele R. Derrick, Dusan Stulik, and James M. LandryView this title
La Escalinata Jeroglífica de Copán, Honduras (2006)
The Getty Conservation Institute and Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e HistoriaView this title
Joya de Cerén, El Salvador: Plan de Manejo (2002)
Carolina Castellanos, Françoise Descamps, and Marìa Isaura AráuzView this title
Joya de Cerén, El Salvador Management Plan, Executive Summary (2007)
Carolina Castellanos, Françoise Descamps, and María Isaura AráuzView this title
Joya de Cerén, El Salvador, Plan de Manejo: Resumen Ejecutivo (2002)
Carolina Castellanos, Françoise Descamps, and Marìa Isaura ArìuzView this title
Joya de Cerén, Le Salvador, Plan de Gestion: Résume Exécutif (2007)
Carolina Castellanos, Françoise Descamps, and Marìa Isaura ArìuzView this title
Landmarks of a New Generation; User's Manual (1997)
The Getty Conservation InstituteView this title
Lessons Learned: Reflecting on the Theory and Practice of Mosaic Conservation (2008)
Edited by Aïcha Ben Abed, Martha Demas and Thomas RobyView this title
The Los Angeles Historic Resource Survey Report (2008)
Prepared by Kathryn Welch HoweView this title
Methodología para la Conservación de Retablos de Madera Policromada (2006)
Edited by The Getty Conservation Institute and Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de CulturaView this title
Methodology for the Conservation of Polychromed Wooden Altarpieces (2006)
Edited by The Getty Conservation Institute and Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de CulturaView this title
Methodology for the Conservation of Polychromed Wooden Altarpieces: Bibliography/Corpus Bibliográfico (2006)
Edited by The Getty Conservation Institute and Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de CulturaView this title
Mosaics in Situ: An Overview of Literature on Conservation of Mosaics in Situ (2012)
Edited by Thomas Roby and Martha DemasView this title
Passé, présent et futur des palais et sites royaux d'Abomey (1997)
The Getty Conservation Institute, ICCROM, and Ministére de la culture et de la communication du BèninView this title
Planning and Engineering Guidelines for the Seismic Retrofitting of Historic Adobe Structures (2002)
E. Leroy Tolles, Edna E. Kimbro, and William S. GinellView this title
Preservation of Lime Mortars and Plasters Bibliography (2003)
The Getty Conservation InstituteView this title
Principles for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in China (2004)
Edited by Neville Agnew and Martha DemasView this title
Principles of Experimental Design for Art Conservation Research (1992)
Terry J. Reedy and Chandra L. ReedyView this title
Proceedings 10th World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (2010)
Edited by Françoise DescampsView this title
Proceedings 9th World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (2008)
Edited by Juan Manuel Martinez, Françoise Descamps and Kathleen LouwView this title
Proceedings of the 8th World Symposium of the Organization of the World Heritage Cities (2009)
Edited by Françoise Descamps and Claudia CancinoView this title
Proceedings of the Getty Seismic Adobe Project 2006 Colloquium (2009)
Edited by Mary Hardy, Claudia Cancino, and Gail OstergrenView this title
Protection of Works of Art From Atmospheric Ozone (1989)
Glen R. Cass, James R. Druzik, Daniel Grosjean, William W. Nazaroff, Paul M. Whitmore, and Cynthia L. WittmanView this title
Recording, Documentation, and Information Management for the Conservation of Heritage Places: Guiding Principles (2007)
Robin Letellier, with contributions from Werner Schmid and Franç LeBlancView this title
Recording, Documentation, and Information Management for the Conservation of Heritage Places: Illustrated Examples (2008)
Edited by Rand Eppich and Amel ChabbiView this title
The Role of Public-Private Partnerships and the Third Sector in Conserving Heritage Buildings, Sites, and Historic Urban Areas (2014)
Susan Macdonald and Caroline CheongView this title
Seismic Retrofitting Project: Assessment of Prototype Buildings (2012)
Claudia Cancino and Sara LardinoisView this title
Seismic Stabilization of Historic Adobe Structures (2000)
E. Leroy Tolles, Edna E. Kimbro, Frederick A. Webster and William S. GinellView this title
Sitios Arqueológicos en el Área Maya (2009)
Carolina Castellanos and Françoise DescampsView this title
Statistical Analysis in Art Conservation Research (1988)
Terry J. Reedy and Chandra L. ReedyView this title
The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings (1998)
Edited by Kathleen Dardes and Andrea RotheView this title
Supplemental Manuals for Digital Photographic Documentation (2013)
Livia Alberti, Elsa Bourguignon, Ermanno Carbonara, and Amel ChebbiView this title
Supplemental Manuals for Digital Photographic Documentation (Arabic, 2013)
Livia Alberti, Elsa Bourguignon, Ermanno Carbonara, and Amel ChebbiView this title
Survey of Damage to Historic Adobe Buildings after the January 1994 Northridge Earthquake (1996)
E. Leroy Tolles, Edna E. Kimbro, Frederick A. Webster, and William S. GinellView this title
Technical Analysis of Renaissance Bronzes for Provenance Studies (1988)
Billie Milam, Chandra Reedy, and Carol SussmanView this title
Technician Training for the Maintenance of In Situ Mosaics (2013)
Livia Alberti, Elsa Bourguignon, and Thomas RobyView this title
Technician Training for the Maintenance of In Situ Mosaics (Arabic, 2013)
Livia Alberti, Elsa Bourguignon, Ermanno Carbonara, and Thomas RobyView this title
Terra Literature Review (2008)
Edited by Erica Avrami, Hubert Guillaud, and Mary HardyView this title
Thin-Layer Chromatography for Binding Media Analysis (1996)
Mary F. Striegel and Jo HillView this title
Valley of the Queens Assessment Report (2012)
Edited by Martha Demas and Neville AgnewView this title
Values and Heritage Conservation (2000)
Erica Avrami, Randall Mason, and Marta de la TorreView this title
Visitor Management and Carrying Capacity at World Heritage Sites in China (2014)
Compiled and edited by Neville Agnew and Martha DemasView this title