Image 1: Fear of Evolution, 1988–89, David Wojnarowicz. Acrylic photograph and collage on wood. Courtesy of the estate of David Wojnarowicz and P•P•O•W, New York. © Estate of David Wojnarowicz.

ITSOFOMO by David Wojnarowicz and Ben Neill

Saturday Nights at the Getty


Harold M. Williams Auditorium

This is a past event

ITSOFOMO (In the Shadow of Forward Motion) is a multimedia performance created by artist David Wojnarowicz and composer/musician Ben Neill in 1989. Integrating music, text, and video in a multi-dimensional format, the work embodies the act of acceleration and its sensory manifestations. A fierce meditation on history and power, Wojnarowicz’s words addressed the accelerating AIDS crisis of the moment, set to music from Neill’s "mutantrumpet," a hybrid electro-acoustic instrument. Neill revisits the performance joined by original percussionist Don Yallech, with recordings and videos incorporating Wojnarowicz's wide range of unflinching imagery that investigates timeless themes of American myths, spirituality, sexuality, and death.

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(310) 440-7300
