What's the Matter? Media, Materiality, and Meaning in Film and Video Installations
Museum Lecture Hall
This is a past event
How do works of art endure over time in the face of aging materials and changing interpretations of their meaning? How do decay, technological obsolescence, and the blending of old and new media affect what an artwork is and can become? What role do the conservation and curation play in our understanding of what the artworks is and how it functions within and beyond a specific historical moment? How does media specificity limit these works' changeable character? This panel combines scholarly, curatorial, conservation and artistic perspectives to debate the issues arising from display, maintenance and archiving of media artworks in a broader sense, and film, video, and multimedia installations specifically. The event will interest everyone practically and theoretically engaged in the institutional and non-institutional lives of media artworks, histories of display, processes of musalisation and conservation, and the questions of intentionality and archive.
Presentations by Glenn Phillips, Jennifer West, Mark Gilberg, and Hanna Hölling will be followed by a panel discussion with Q&A open to the public. The panel will be followed by a reception.
Organized with kind support of the Getty Conservation Institute and the Getty Research Institute.