International Course on Stone Conservation

The International Course on Stone Conservation is a twelve-week course held biennially in Rome. The course has long served a vital educational role in the conservation profession by offering an accessible and intensive format in which to learn theoretical and practical methodologies for stone conservation. It provides a constructive and intimate forum for international professionals to meet and exchange ideas about the conservation practices and challenges in their home countries.

Since 2009, the GCI has partnered with ICCROM to offer this course to improve the practice of stone conservation internationally by providing participants with a holistic understanding of the decay and deterioration of stone, disseminating effective conservation methodologies, and ensuring a practical understanding of appropriate repair methods and long-term management strategies. Read more about the stone course on the project homepage.

The materials below are adapted from the 2013 course.

All files below are in PDF format.


6. Synthesis
Conservation field work at the Non-Catholic Cemetery, Rome