The Feasibility of Using Modified Atmospheres to Control Insect Pests in Museums
Surveys of natural history and art museums indicate that beetles belonging to the families Anobiidae and Dermestidae and moths belonging to the family Tineidae are major pests. Other groups such as termites and silverfish may also be extremely important, especially in southeast Asia. Current control recommendations include the use of space fumigation or surface residual spraying. In addition to the need to train museum personnel to use these insecticides, there is always the potential for damage to rare antiquities and artifacts. The primary objectives of this study were to determine: (1) if controlled or modified atmospheres were lethal and (2) to establish the minimum time required to provide 100% kill of all developmental stages of insects likely to infest materials, objects, and artifacts in museums.
How to Cite this Work Rust, Michael K., and Janice M. Kennedy. 1993. The Feasibility of Using Modified Atmospheres to Control Insect Pests in Museums. GCI Scientific Program Reports. Riverside, CA; Marina del Rey, CA: Dept. of Entomology, University of California, Riverside; Getty Conservation Institute. |