
A podcast about what we gain by keeping the past, present

About the Show

Listen to Jaime Roque explore the everyday places and stories that shape our cultural heritage


Jaime and his 22-month-old daughter, Selah, in his kitchen. She is sitting on the kitchen counter, holding a mixing whisk that is standing in a bowl.

ReCurrent Trailer

In the inaugural season of ReCurrent: Stories about What We Gain by Keeping the Past Present, host Jaime Roque takes us on a journey to explore the rich stories that make up our cultural heritage.

Starting from his own mom’s kitchen, Jaime ventures out to uncover the hidden tales that lie in everyday places—from lively murals in downtown Los Angeles that tell our collective history, to ancient sacred sites filled with the echoes of indigenous voices, to cozy barber shops teeming with stories passed down through generations.

In each episode, Jaime delves into the personal struggles, triumphs, and deep-rooted traditions that define who we are. He shows us how even simple things like a family recipe can unlock a world of cultural insights. Join Jaime as he uncovers the profound impact of keeping the past alive in the present, and discover the treasures of our heritage. ReCurrent is available now wherever you get your podcasts.

Art & Archives

Our art and research collections span ancient to modern times

Two people wander through an art gallery filled with sculptures, pointing to the details in a stone bust