Paulo B. Lourenço and João M. Pereira

In collaboration with Giorgos Karanikoloudis, Federica Greco, and Claudia Cancino, 2018

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Proyecto de Estabilización Sismorresistente: Recomendaciones para el modelado avanzado de sitios históricos de tierra

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Recommendations for Advanced Modeling of Historic Earthen Sites summarizes the methodology and presents the conclusions of the modeling phase carried out by TecMinho, University of Minho, Portugal, as part of the Getty Conservation Institute's Seismic Retrofitting Project (SRP).

From 2015 until 2017, the University of Minho developed advanced numerical models to understand the structural behavior of SRP building typologies. These models were also employed to validate the retrofitting techniques designed by SRP partners and consultants. Recommendations for Advanced Modeling of Historic Earthen provides a review of advanced structural analysis techniques, guidance for finite element modeling users, an overview of constitutive models, and two examples—one of validation and one of application.

This publication is one in a series from the Seismic Retrofitting Project designed to provide professionals and researchers in the field of structural engineering with a methodology for the assessment of historic earthen structures using advanced numerical modeling techniques. Additional reports in series include Modeling of Prototype Buildings and the forthcoming Simplified Calculations for the Structural Analysis of Earthen Historic Sites.

Using four Peruvian buildings representative of typologies of historic earthen construction in Latin America, the Seismic Retrofitting Project relies on traditional construction techniques as well as state-of-the-art methods to design and test easy-to-implement seismic retrofitting techniques and maintenance programs to improve the structural performance of earthen historic buildings in Peru and other countries in Latin America.

How to Cite this Work

Lourenço, Paulo B., and João M. Pereira. 2018. Seismic Retrofitting Project: Recommendations for Advanced Modeling of Historic Earthen Sites. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute; Guimarães, Portugal: TecMinho–University of Minho.