Support for Exhibitions, Education, and Special Initiatives

Contribute to exhibitions and programs in Los Angeles and beyond

Exhibition Sponsorships

Nine people stand in front of a exhibition wall that says 'Tim Walker, Wonderful Things'. There are paragraphs of text and one image along the wall.

Getty receives support from individuals, corporations, and foundations for our dynamic array of exhibitions. We work collaboratively with corporate sponsors to create customized benefits that ensure strong brand recognition and high visibility. Foundations and individual donors who share our vision help to take our exhibitions to greater heights with their generous financial support.

Educational Partnerships

A young boy raises his hand amidst other classmates during an activity in a Museum gallery at the Getty Center.

The Education Department at the J. Paul Getty Museum offers outstanding programs and resources for K-12 students and teachers, college students and faculty, families, teens, community groups, and museum educators at both the Getty Center and the Getty Villa. With generous support from the Getty Patron Program, individual donors, and institutional partners, the department enables the Museum to engage with visitors, inspiring them to look more closely and better understand the artworks they view.

Thoughtful and engaging education programs further Getty’s mission to encourage the appreciation and understanding of art, its history, and contexts by: 

  • Facilitating a variety of learning experiences centered on works of art
  • Developing interpretive strategies that promote visual comprehension of the collection
  • Enhancing educational opportunities for a wide range of audiences
  • Collaborating across Getty in order to actively contribute to creative opportunities

Special Initiatives

A large, white, stone building lined with trees is lit by multi-colored lights as a large group of people walk up a long stairway under a night sky

© 2011 Ryan Miller/Capture Imaging

Getty’s special initiatives involve unique collaborations between Getty programs and with partner organizations around the globe. Drawing on Getty’s unparalleled capacity as a convener, this exchange results in one-of-a-kind exhibitions as well as groundbreaking research and conservation. Individuals, corporations, and foundations have partnered with Getty on some of our boldest initiatives, including Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA and the LA Arts Recovery Fund. Coming up in 2024, PST ART: Art & Science Collide will unite 50+ organizations and over 800 artists across Southern California for a landmark exploration of pressing issues of the current day.

Contact our office for more information about exhibition sponsorships, educational partnerships, or special initiatives.  

Emily Cregg
Senior Development Officer
(310) 440-6049


PST ART (formerly Pacific Standard Time) is the largest art event in the United States. It returns for its third edition on September 15, 2024, this time engaging audiences throughout Southern California with the theme “Art & Science Collide.” Supported by nearly $20 million in grants from Getty, dozens of cultural, scientific and community organizations will present more than 70 exhibitions and an extraordinary spectrum of public programs over the course of five months, all exploring intersections of art and science—past, present and in possible futures. This unprecedented initiative ranges from biotechnology to sustainable agriculture, from ancient cosmologies to Indigenous sci-fi, and from artificial intelligence to environmental justice.

Logo lockup for multiple partners for PST 2024
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