Simone Forti, still from Flag in the Water, 2015. HD video, 20 minutes. Camera: Jason Underhill. Image courtesy of the artist and The Box, LA.

KCHUNG News Radio: Performance Now presents Simone Forti, News Animations

KCHUNG News Radio


Museum Lecture Hall

KCHUNG Radio program Performance Now, hosted by John Tain and Carol Cheh, presents a performance by legendary artist, dancer, choreographer, and writer Simone Forti. News Animations, a piece Forti developed in the mid-1980s, translates the imagery and language of newspaper reports and newscasts into improvised movement compositions. A screening of three recent videos by the artist follows the performance.

KCHUNG News Radio is broadcasting live from the Getty Center in conjunction with the exhibition Breaking News: Turning the Lens on Mass Media. This episode will also be broadcast live on 106.5 FM, and streamed and archived at

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