Government Museum and Art Gallery, Chandigarh, Environmental Management

Improving this historically significant museum’s interior environment to protect its collection and improve comfort for museum occupants

Project Details

large rectangular building with flat roof behind an open plaza

Photo: Michael C. Henry

Government Museum and Art Gallery, Chandigarh, primary facade, 2008



The Government Museum and Art Gallery, Chandigarh Environmental Management project aims to improve the internal environment of this Le Corbusier–designed museum to aid both the durability of the collection and human comfort while preserving architectural significance. Understanding how the building’s original design and environmental features perform to provide natural ventilation and daylighting to the interior and how the building has been altered over time, allows us to analyze the current interior environment and develop environmental improvement strategies.


Environmental monitoring and assessment of the building and collection leading to development of environmental improvement strategies designed to have minimal impacts on significance for both



Project Team

Chandler McCoy, Project Manager, Senior Project Specialist; Ana Paula Arato Goncalves, Associate Project Specialist; Vincent Laudato Beltran, Scientist; Cecilia Winter, Project Specialist


Government Museum and Art Gallery, Chandigarh

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