Connecting Art Histories

Increasing intellectual exchange among scholars around the world who study the visual arts

Project Details

A brown-tinted and hand-drawn map of the world with Africa in the center

Detail of "Cantino Planisphere," 1502. Biblioteca Universitaria Estense, University of Modena, Italy



Connecting Art Histories aims to strengthen art history globally by increasing opportunities for sustained intellectual exchange across nations and regions. Through grants that forge connections among people and ideas, this initiative affirms that the power and vitality of any scholarly discipline rest on the ability to bring people together.


  • Intergenerational research seminars and visiting professor programs that have served over 1,000 early and mid-career scholars from Africa, Asia, Latin America, East-Central Europe, and the Mediterranean Basin
  • Increased capacity in the field of art history in places where it is an emerging discipline through more than 80 grants since 2009
  • Edited volumes emerging from at least four research seminars that have given scholars career-building opportunities to publish their work
  • Presentations on Connecting Art Histories projects at major international conferences, including CIHA and the College Art Association

Project Details

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Phone: (310) 440-7320

Please use this subject line: Connecting Art Histories


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