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Titian (Venetian painter, ca. 1488-1576)
Note: Titian was an extremely popular and influential painter, developing a painterly style that differed tremendously from contemporary Roman and Florentine styles; he emphasized atmosphere, color, and brushstrokes as he depicted sensual figures, textures (of garments, flesh, etc.), and landscapes in the backgrounds of his paintings. His sensuous mythological scenes showed his ability to depict any hue or texture. Titian's portraits combined incisive, sensitive characterizations with an opulent treatment of accessories, eventually developing into the spare, official style that inspired other Italians, and also Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck, and others. In his later paintings, what appears from a distance as form and color prove upon closer inspection to be blobs of paint, thumb marks, and brush scratches. Titian explored the potential of oil paint, experimenting with its expressive as much as its representational possibilities. I |
Names: |
Titian (preferred,V,display,LC,English-P,NA,U) |
Titian (French,NA,U) |
Vecellio, Tiziano (V) |
Tiziano Vecelli (V) |
Titian Vecelli (V) |
Tiziano Vecellio da Cadore stato Veneto (V) |
Tiziano Vecellio di Cadore (V) |
Titiano da Cadore (V) |
Tiziano Vecelli Cavaliere (V) |
Veccellio, Tiziano (V) |
Vecelio, Ticiano (V) |
Vicelli, Tiziano (V) |
Titien (V) |
Ticiano (V) |
Tiçiano (V) |
Tetiano (V) |
Thitsiaen (V) |
Tishan (V) |
Tishian (V) |
Tisiano (V) |
Roles: |
artist (preferred) |
painter |
draftsman |
printmaker |
owner |
history artist |
fresco painter |
Events: |
Related People or Corporate Bodies: |
assisted by .... |
Denti, Girolamo |
.................... |
(Italian painter, ca. 1510-ca. 1572) [500316694] |
colleague of .... |
Verdizotti, Giovanni Mario |
...................... |
(Italian painter, draftsman, and writer, 1525-1600) [500012500] |
influenced .... |
Padovanino |
.................... |
(Italian painter, 1588-1649) [500025136] |
influenced .... |
Polidoro da Lanciano |
.................... |
(Italian painter, ca. 1515-1565) [500022217] |
member of .... |
Vecellio family |
................ |
(Italian artists, documented from the 13th century) [500115634] |
parent of .... |
Vecellio, Lavinia |
................ |
(Venetian daughter of artist, ca. 1530-1561) [500070656] |
parent of .... |
Vecellio, Orazio |
................ |
(Venetian painter, born ca. 1515, died before 1576) [500006561] |
patron was .... |
Paul III, Pope |
.................. |
(Italian pope, 1468-1549) [500114692] |
related to (familial) .... |
Vecellio, Cesare |
...................................... |
(Venetian painter and engraver, 1521-1601) [500018010] |
related to (familial) .... |
Vecellio, Fabrizio |
...................................... |
(Venetian painter, ca. 1520-1576) [500053511] |
related to (familial) .... |
Vecellio, Marco |
...................................... |
(Venetian painter, 1545-1611) [500004446] |
related to (familial) .... |
Vecellio, Tommaso |
...................................... |
(Venetian painter, 1576-ca. 1629) [500053512] |
sibling of .... |
Vecellio, Francesco |
.................. |
(Italian painter, born 1475, died 1559 or 1560) [500005079] |
student of .... |
Bellini, Gentile |
.................. |
(Venetian painter, ca. 1429-1507) [500026083] |
student of .... |
Bellini, Giovanni |
.................. |
(Venetian painter, 1431/1436-1516) [500019244] |
student of .... |
Rossi, Antonio |
.................. |
(Italian painter, active 1472, died 1525) [500013217] |
student of .... |
Zuccati, Sebastiano |
.................. |
(Italian painter and mosaicist, died 1527) [500008406] |
teacher of .... |
Amberger, Emanuel |
.................. |
(German engraver (printmaker), flourished 1550-1574) [500651654] |
teacher of .... |
Barendsz., Dirck |
.................. |
(Dutch painter, 1534-1592) [500008127] |
teacher of .... |
Bordone, Paris |
.................. |
(Italian painter, 1500-1571) [500018343] |
teacher of .... |
Calcar, Jan Steven van ca. 1536-1537 |
.................. |
(North Netherlandish painter and draftsman, ca. 1499-ca. 1546) [500026055] |
teacher of .... |
Dente, Girolamo |
.................. |
(Italian painter, ca.1510-after 1562) [500010738] |
teacher of .... |
Micheli, Parrasio |
.................. |
(Italian painter, before 1516-1578) [500003236] |
teacher of .... |
Peterzano, Simone |
.................. |
(Italian painter, active 1573-1592, died after 1596) [500031140] |
teacher of .... |
Rosa, Pietro |
.................. |
(Italian painter, ca. 1541-1577) [500094217] |
teacher of .... |
Schiavone, Andrea |
.................. |
(Italian painter, printmaker, and draftsman, ca. 1500-1563, born in Dalmatia) [500000550] |
teacher of .... |
Zago, Santo |
.................. |
(Italian painter, active 1530-1542) [500013102] |
List/Hierarchical Position: |
(Venetian painter, ca. 1488-1576) ..... [VP Preferred]
(Italian painter, 1477-1576) ..... [GRLPA]
(Italian, ca. 1480/1490-1576) ..... [JPGM]
(Italian artist, 1488-1490-1576) ..... [WCI]
(Italian artist, 1477/1489-1575) ..... [WCP]
(Italian painter, b.1488-1490, d.1576) ..... [BHA]
(Italian artist, 1474/1482-1576) ..... [WL-Courtauld]
(Italian painter, born ca. 1488) ..... [AVERY]
(Italian painter, 1485-1576) ..... [Grove Art]
(artist, ca. 1488-1576) ..... [GRL]
(Italian owner, 1477-1576) ..... [PROV]
(Italian artist, 1477-1576) ..... [PROV]
(artist) ..... [GRISC]
(Italian painter, 1488-1576) ..... [RKD]
Additional Names: |
Tissien (V) |
Titiaan (V,Dutch-P,NA) |
Titiaen (V) |
Titiano (V) |
Tizian (V) |
Tiziano (V) |
Tiziano Vecellio (V,Italian-P,NA,U) |
Vecelli, Tiziano (V) |
Titianus (U) |
Tycjan (U) |
Vechellio, Tit︠s︡iano (U) |
Tit︠s︡ian (U) |
Titiano Vecellio (U) |
Ticijan (U) |
Detiano (LU,U) |
Ditiano (LU,U) |
Le Titien (LU,U) |
teriano vecellio (LU,U) |
Tetian (LU,U) |
Thitsian (LU,U) |
Ticciani (LU,U) |
Ticciano (LU,U) |
Tician (LU,U) |
Ticianello (LU,U) |
tiçiano (LU,U) |
Tietsiaen (LU,U) |
tipciano (LU,U) |
tipziano (LU,U) |
Tisciano (LU,U) |
Tisiaen (LU,U) |
Tisien (LU,U) |
Tissian (LU,U) |
Titain (LU,U) |
Titiaan Giovene (LU,U) |
Titiaan, Veccelli Titian genoemd (LU,U) |
Titiaen Geovene (LU,U) |
Titiaen Uccello (LU,U) |
Titianello (LU,U) |
Titian, genannt Vecelli (LU,U) |
Titiani (LU,U) |
Titiano d'Uxellio Dacadore (LU,U) |
Titiano Vccello (LU,U) |
Titiano Veccelly (LU,U) |
Titiano Vecelli (LU,U) |
Titiano Vecelli da Cadore, dit le Titien (LU,U) |
Titiano Vercelli (LU,U) |
Titiano Vicelli (LU,U) |
titians (LU,U) |
Titianus Vecellio, dit Le Titien (LU,U) |
Titianus Vecellio, ou le Titien (LU,U) |
Titianus Vecelly (LU,U) |
Titian Vecelli da Cadore (LU,U) |
Titian, Vecelli da Cadore (LU,U) |
Titian, Vecelli da Cadore, Ven. (LU,U) |
Titien de Vecelli (LU,U) |
Titien de Vecelli de Cador (LU,U) |
Titien de Vecelli, de Cador (LU,U) |
Titien Vecelli (LU,U) |
Titien Vecelli da Cador (LU,U) |
Titien Vecelli, de Cador (LU,U) |
Titien Vecelli De Cador (LU,U) |
Titien Vecelly (LU,U) |
Titien Wecelli (LU,U) |
Tititian (LU,U) |
Titsiaen (LU,U) |
Tittien-Vecelli (LU,U) |
Tizano (LU,U) |
Tiziani (LU,U) |
Tizian il più giovane (LU,U) |
Tiziano veccelio (LU,U) |
Tiziano veccelli (LU,U) |
Tiziano Veccellio (LU,U) |
Tiziano Vecelli, called Titian (LU,U) |
Tiziano Vecelli Cavaliere, Called, Titian (LU,U) |
Tiziano Vecelli da Cador (LU,U) |
Tiziano Vecelli da Cadore (LU,U) |
Tiziano Vecellio Genannt Tiziano (LU,U) |
tiziano vezelli (LU,U) |
tizian v. (LU,U) |
tizian vecelli (LU,U) |
tizian vecellio (LU,U) |
Tizzani (LU,U) |
Tizzianello (LU,U) |
Tizziani (LU,U) |
Tizziano (LU,U) |
Ttalion (LU,U) |
tticiano (LU,U) |
ttiçiano (LU,U) |
ttiziano (LU,U) |
Tuziano (LU,U) |
Veccellio, called Titian (LU,U) |
Vecelio Ticiano (LU,U) |
Vecelli (LU,U) |
Vecelli da Cadore (LU,U) |
Vecelli, dit Le Titien (LU,U) |
Vicelli (LU,U) |
Ziano (LU,U) |
Sources and Contributors: |
Titian ........ | [AVERY Preferred, GRISC Preferred, GRL Preferred, GRLPA Preferred, Grove Art Preferred, JPGM Preferred, PROV, RKD, VP Preferred, WCI Preferred, WL-Courtauld Preferred] |
............... |
Avery Authority files (1963-)
............... |
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online (1994-2001)
............... |
Encyclopedia of World Art (1959-1987)
............... |
Getty Provenance Index Databases [online] (1989-)
............... |
Grove Art artist database (1989-)
............... |
Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) Accessed 08/27/2002.
............... |
J. Paul Getty Museum, collections online (2000-)
............... |
Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) n 79074519
............... |
M. Knoedler & Co. records, Finding Aid, GRI Special Collections (2012-)
............... |
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC [online] (2002)
............... |
Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
............... |
RILA/BHA (1975-2000)
............... |
RKD Artists database (2000-) 77655
............... |
Witt Library, Authority files | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Subject: ........ | [AVERY, BHA, GRISC, GRL, GRLPA, Grove Art, JPGM, PROV, RKD, VP, WCI, WCP, WL-Courtauld] |
.................... |
.................... |
Bolaffi, Dizionario dei pittori italiani (1972-1976)
.................... |
Database for the Witt Checklist of Painters c. 1200-1976 (1978-)
.................... |
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online (1994-2001)
.................... |
Encyclopedia of World Art (1959-1987)
.................... |
Getty Provenance Index Databases [online] (1989-)
.................... |
Getty Research Library Photo Archive database
.................... |
Grove Art artist database (1989-)
.................... |
Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) Accessed 08/27/2002.
.................... |
J. Paul Getty Museum, collections online (2000-)
.................... |
LCNAF Library of Congress Name Authority File [n.d.]
.................... |
Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.)
.................... |
M. Knoedler & Co. records, Finding Aid, GRI Special Collections (2012-)
.................... |
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC [online] (2002)
.................... |
Panofsky, Early Netherlandish Painting (1971)
.................... |
Petit Robert 2: Noms propres (1989)
.................... |
Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
.................... |
RILA/BHA (1975-2000)
.................... |
RKD Artists database (2000-) 77655
.................... |
Rosand, Titian, His World and His Legacy (1982)
.................... |
Wethey, Titian 40-41
.................... |
Wikidata online (2000-) Q47551
.................... |
Witt Library, Authority files | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |