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canoes (double-enders, symmetrical-ended watercraft, ... Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)) |
Note: Lightly built, slender, open craft of shallow draft that are paddled and not rowed and normally double-ended; may have sails. |
Terms: |
canoes (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,PN)
canoe (C,U,English,AD,U,SN)
acalli (C,U,C,Classical Nahuatl-P,UF,B)
............ | variant orthography |
kano's (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)
kano (C,U,Dutch,AD,U,U)
canoas (doble timón) (C,U,Spanish-P,D,U,PN)
canoas (doble timón) (Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl,UF,U)
canoa (doble timón) (C,U,Spanish,AD,U,SN)
canoa (doble timón) (Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl,UF,SN)
canot (C,U,French-P,AD,U,MSN)
Paddelboote (C,U,German,D,PN)
Kanu (C,U,German-P,AD,SN)
Kanus (C,U,German,AD,PN)
Paddelboot (C,U,German,AD,SN)
בוצית (C,U,Hebrew,D,N)
קנו (C,U,Hebrew,UF,N)
Facet/Hierarchy Code: V.TX |
Hierarchical Position:

Objects Facet |

.... Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name) (G) |

........ Transportation Vehicles (hierarchy name) (G) |

............ vehicles (transportation) (G) |

................ watercraft (G) |

.................... <watercraft by specific type> (G) |

........................ <watercraft by form> (G) |

............................ <watercraft by end configuration> (G) |

................................ symmetrical-ended watercraft (G) |

.................................... double-enders (G) |

........................................ canoes (G) |
Additional Notes: |
Dutch ..... Te gebruiken voor de lichtgebouwde, slanke open vaartuigen met weinig diepgang, die peddelend, niet roeiend, worden voortbewogen en meestal voor en achter gelijk zijn; kunnen zeilen hebben. |
Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl ..... Acalli tlahuel aquezotzin, huahcapantic, centlapohtoc, tlen mocuatopehua ica cuahuitl patlachtic huan nochipa quipiya ome iyacapan, quemmantzin hueli quipiya velas. |
German ..... Leicht gebautes, schmales, offenes Wasserfahrzeug mit geringem Tiefgang, das gepaddelt und nicht gerudert wird und gewöhnlich an Bug und Heck gleichförmig ist; es kann Segel haben. |
Spanish ..... Embarcaciones de poco calado, esbeltas, abiertas, que se reman y que normalmente tienen dos extremidades; pueden tener velas. |
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