Training Materials
The documents on this page include presentations and other training materials for the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)®, the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)®, the Union List of Artist Names (ULAN)®, the Cultural Objects Name Authority (CONA)®, the Getty Iconography Authority (IA)™, and Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA). These materials are subject to frequent modification and addition.
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Getty Vocabularies: Overviews, Using, Contributing
Presentations for training and information, describing the history, scope, and characteristics of the Getty Vocabularies and how you may use and contribute to them. For more details on contributions, see Contributing to the Getty Vocabularies. For detailed editorial rules for contributing, see the Editorial Guidelines. For comprehensive information on controlled vocabularies, see Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies.
Presentations for training and information, describing the history, scope, and characteristics of the Getty Vocabularies and how you may use and contribute to them. For more details on contributions, see Contributing to the Getty Vocabularies. For detailed editorial rules for contributing, see the Editorial Guidelines. For comprehensive information on controlled vocabularies, see Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies.
Getty Vocabularies: CIDOC, CAA, Other Conferences, LOD
Presentations from conferences and other links, including the history, scope, and characteristics of the Getty Vocabularies as Linked Open Data and related topics. For more details on LOD, see this page: Getty Vocabularies as Linked Open Data.
Presentations from conferences and other links, including the history, scope, and characteristics of the Getty Vocabularies as Linked Open Data and related topics. For more details on LOD, see this page: Getty Vocabularies as Linked Open Data.
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Standards and Cataloging: CDWA, CCO, and other topics
Presentations describing standards for cataloging art and related materials, including Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA), Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO), and managing an art documentation or vocabulary project.
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International Terminology Working Group meetings
The International Terminology Working Group (ITWG) is convened every few years by the Getty Vocabulary Program (GVP), in the Division of Research and Knowledge Creation at the Getty Research Institute. It serves as a venue to gather the GVP's community, including staff members, contributors, users, vendors, and partners to discuss the evolving status of the Getty Vocabularies and to exchange information about how the Vocabularies are being implemented and used across the international art and cultural heritage sector. Common issues regarding translations, other contributions, and use cases of AAT, TGN, ULAN, CONA, and IA may be explored. Closely related topics may also be discussed, such as CDWA (Categories for the Description of Works of Art), reparative description, terminology to allow diverse and inclusive indexing, and the use of artificial intelligence for indexing art. Getty Vocabularies are compiled resources that grow through contributions from Getty projects and more than 350 museums, libraries, archives, special collections, visual resources collections, art conservation professionals, bibliographic and other documentation projects, large translation projects, and individual experts. The resulting compiled resources are made available in online Search, LOD, and other formats under the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) 1.0. ITWG was founded in 1988. For more information, please contact us at
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