Digital Montagny

Broadening access to Elie-Honoré Montagny's illustrated manuscript Recueil d’Antiquités

Project Details

Open manuscript with small inset line drawings of sculptures and paintings.

Recueil d'antiquités dessinées d'après des peintures trouvées à Herculanum (Leaf 11 verso/ 12 recto), 1804, Élie-Honoré Montagny. Getty Research Institute, 2004.M.12



Through the digitization of French artist Elie-Honoré Montagny's illustrated travelogue Recueil d’Antiquités (1804), this project made the previously unpublished work publicly accessible. Digital Montagny presented an opportunity to establish best practices for multimedia digital projects working with visual materials, sparking the development of appropriate tools and methodologies. This effort has been key to realizing the Getty Research Institute’s broader strategic goal of establishing a digital model for collaborative art historical research.