Graduate Internships

Advanced internships at Getty for graduate students who are pursuing careers in the visual arts

Project Details

A smiling person stands in front of an intricate sculpture and gestures as they speak while in a large, naturally-lit gallery filled with other ancient art objects

2023-2024 Graduate Intern Yusi Liu gives a tour of the Villa Museum galleries

© 2024 J. Paul Getty Trust



The Graduate Internship program provides training and work experience in departments across Getty that prepare graduate students for visual arts careers.


Graduate Internships are offered in the four programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust—the Getty Museum, the Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Research Institute, and the Getty Foundation—and in Getty Publications and Getty Digital. Placements are typically available in areas such as curatorial, education, conservation, research, publications, web and new media, public programs, digital projects, and grantmaking.

Please review the list of internship opportunities and host departments participating in 2025–2026. Using the online Fluxx application, you must select two positions in order of preference.

Applicants are required to submit a complete online Graduate Internship application form by 5:00p.m. Pacific Time on November 4, 2024. Materials received after the deadline will result in an incomplete application. We cannot accept applications hand-delivered to the Getty Center or those sent by e-mail or fax.

Program Details

Application Materials