View of the Templo del Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo behind trees in Oaxaca, Mexico

Juan Porter, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The 12th World Congress was held November 18–22, 2013, in Oaxaca, Mexico. The theme was "Heritage Cities, Sustainable Cities." A half-day workshop was organized by the Conservation Institute for mayors of World Heritage Cities. Drawing on the 2011 Sintra workshop, the 2013 workshop focused on supporting and sharing the appreciation of the cities the mayors manage.

Presentations by OWHC city representatives demonstrated how cities have encouraged investment by the private sector. Cities that have developed programs and approaches that encourage private sector investment presented their experiences, including the cities of Valparaiso, Chile; Regensburg, Germany; La Habana Vieja, Cuba; and Bordeaux, France.

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