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Cornelius, Peter von (German painter, draftsman and teacher, 1783-1867)
Note: Artist best known for his major role in reviving fresco painting. His paintings self-consciously try to revive the heroic pictorial language of the High Renaissance and mix it with the didactic philosophy of German Romanticism. German painter. |
Names: |
Cornelius, Peter von (preferred,V,index,LC,Dutch-P,NA) |
Peter von Cornelius (V,display) |
Peter Cornelius (V) |
Cornelius, Peter (V) |
Cornelius, Peter Joseph (V) |
Cornelius, Peter Joseph von (V) |
Cornelius, Joseph (V) |
Cornelius, Peter. (U) |
Von Cornelius, Peter (U) |
Peter Von Cornelius (U) |
Cornelius, Peter Von (U) |
cornelius, peter (LU,U) |
cornelius peter von (LU,U) |
cornelius, p. v. (LU,U) |
cornelius, p. von (LU,U) |
peter cornelius (LU,U) |
peter v. cornelius (LU,U) |
peter von cornelius (LU,U) |
Roles: |
artist (preferred) |
draftsman |
painter |
fresco painter |
teacher |
muralist |
illustrator |
director (administrator) |
Events: |
Related People or Corporate Bodies: |
collaborated with .... |
Couder, Alexandre 1832 |
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(French painter, 1808-1879) [500022656] |
student of .... |
Cornelius, Aloys |
.................. |
(German painter, 1748-1800) [500580216] |
teacher of .... |
Amberger, Gustave |
.................. |
(German painter and draftsman, 1831-1896) [500108657] |
teacher of .... |
Braun, Kaspar |
.................. |
(German engraver, 1807-1877) [500357803] |
teacher of .... |
Eberle, Adam |
.................. |
(German painter, 1804-1832) [500022782] |
teacher of .... |
Engel, Carl |
.................. |
(German painter and draftsman, 1817-1870) [500094018] |
teacher of .... |
Fellner, Ferdinand |
.................. |
(German printmaker and painter, 1799-1859) [500030070] |
teacher of .... |
Foltz, Philipp von |
.................. |
(German painter, 1805-1877) [500090231] |
teacher of .... |
Gassen, Theophil |
.................. |
(German fresco painter, 1805-1878) [500638958] |
teacher of .... |
Kreling, August von |
.................. |
(German painter and sculptor, 1819-1876) [500024837] |
teacher of .... |
Mánes, Josef |
.................. |
(Czech painter and printmaker, 1820-1871) [500018281] |
teacher of .... |
Neureuther, Eugen Napoleon |
.................. |
(German lithographer, illustrator, and painter, 1806-1882) [500022744] |
teacher of .... |
Sonderland, Johann Baptist at the Düsseldorf Kunstakademie |
.................. |
(German painter, illustrator, and printmaker, 1805-1878) [500011864] |
teacher of .... |
Speckter, Erwin 1825-1827, at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Munich |
.................. |
(German painter, 1806-1835) [500011431] |
teacher of .... |
Stauber, Carl |
.................. |
(German painter, illustrator, and etcher, 1815-1902) [500044573] |
teacher of .... |
Ziegler, Jules Claude |
.................. |
(French painter, printmaker, and ceramicist, 1804-1856) [500007389] |
List/Hierarchical Position: |
(German painter, draftsman and teacher, 1783-1867) ..... [VP Preferred]
(German draftsman, 1783-1867) ..... [GRLPA]
(German artist, 1783-1867) ..... [WCP]
(German painter, 1783-1867) ..... [BHA]
(German artist, 1783-1867) ..... [WL-Courtauld]
(German painter, 1783-1867) ..... [AVERY]
(German painter, 1783-1867) ..... [Grove Art]
(artist, 1783-1867) ..... [GRL]
(German artist, 1783-1867) ..... [PROV]
(German draftsman, 1783-1867) ..... [RKD]
Sources and Contributors: |
Subject: ........ | [AVERY, BHA, Gallery Systems, GRL, GRLPA, Grove Art, PROV, RKD, VP, WCP, WL-Courtauld] |
.................... |
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon. Internationale Künstlerdatenbank (1993-2006)
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Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976)
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BHA, Authority file (1973-)
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Busse, Maler und Bildhauer des 19 Jahrhunderts (1977)
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Database for the Witt Checklist of Painters c. 1200-1976 (1978-)
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Gaehtgens, Jules Michelet et l'Art Allemand, De Grünewald à Menzel (2003) 234
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Gallery Systems (2000-) LOC ID: n81117121
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Getty Vocabulary Program rules
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Grove Art artist database (1989-)
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Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) Accessed 06/18/2002.
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Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) LOC ID: n81117121
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Oxford Concise Dictionary of Art and Artists (1996) 120
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RKD Artists database (2000-) 18417
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RLIN bks file: Dclc81188695-B
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Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986) 18/433
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Wikidata online (2000-) Q58833
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Witt Library, Authority files | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |