People in hardhats gather around a desk amidst machinery

Photo: Scott S. Warren

Shear strength tests via lateral displacements of quincha panels being performed at PUCP.

A program for testing and numerical modeling of building prototypes that evaluates structural performance during an earthquake was developed in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (testing program) and the University of Minho (numerical modeling). View the related publication in the Resources section.

Prior to this work, the Seismic Retrofitting Project organized a peer review meeting in Lima in July 2011 to receive feedback on the testing and modeling methodology from international and national experts in the field of retrofitting historic sites.

The testing and modeling program was complemented by research on historical techniques used in the seismic reinforcement of Peruvian buildings, including vernacular methods that employ traditional, low-tech, and alternative materials. This research included gathering information from Peruvian conservators regarding seismic performance of existing/implemented repairs on historic earthen buildings.

Results of this work were presented at the 13º Seminario Iberoamericano de Arquitectura y Construcción con Tierra (SIACOT) in Valparaíso, Chile, in 2012.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú has carried out material and structural characterization of the four building prototypes, executing over 300 static tests at their facilities in Lima. The University of Minho is currently constructing finite modeling analysis of the prototypes to be later retrofitted using the SRP-designed techniques.

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