People in hard hats talk over a table with diagrams laid out

Photo: Scott S. Warren

Team members discussing shoring design for Ica Cathedral.

The project’s third phase addresses the design of retrofitting systems suitable for the selected building prototypes. Numerical modeling of retrofitted models and/or structural components was carried out using these techniques, and a final peer review meeting to present the results and get feedback from international and national experts in the field of retrofitting historic sites was held.

The project team also oversaw the development of construction documents and work on the seismic reinforcement of three of the four prototype sites, including the condition assessment of wall paintings at the Church of Kuñotambo. As a result of this work, the project’s building prototypes will become model case studies, illustrating how retrofitting techniques can be implemented as part of a larger conservation project. They demonstrate technically feasible solutions to seismic retrofitting in countries where access to high-tech construction materials and professional expertise is limited.

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