Ruins on a hillside by the sea

Excavated ruins also incorporate mosaics and other pavements in need of stabilization or reburial.

As the island's preeminent World Heritage site, and one with extensive excavated archaeological and architectural remains, Nea Paphos needs improved approaches to stabilizing and presenting these remains. This project addresses the conservation problems facing the site's ashlar block and rubble masonry walls; plaster and marble plaque surface finishes; ancient water systems including wells, terracotta channels, and drainage pipes; architectural fragments; and retaining walls and exposed trenches from decades of excavations.

Stabilization Program

A site-stabilization program is being developed by first fully assessing the conditions of the remains and then determining treatment protocols. As part of the program, workshops for technicians and other professional staff focus on current methods of stabilizing remains in a manner that retains authenticity while allowing the visitor to better understand a building's original layout.


The treatment program also pursues reburial as a preventive measure to protect excavated and exposed archaeological and architectural elements.

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