A group of men and women gather around a mosaic, kneeling to get a closer look.

Photo: Scott S. Warren

The second regional course on Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites with Mosaics (2014–15) began in April 2014 with an intensive three-week workshop at the World Heritage site of Paphos, Cyprus, home to spectacular mosaics of the Hellenistic, Roman, and Early Christian periods.

Building on the Conservation Institute’s long history of involvement in the conservation of Cypriot heritage, this workshop was presented in partnership with the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus and the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus.

The course trained heritage professionals from a number of countries who are responsible for the management of archaeological sites with in situ mosaics. The workshop covered all aspects of conserving and managing archaeological sites with mosaics, including documentation and recording; site management planning; deterioration processes of mosaics; basic conservation interventions, both preventive and remedial; and site presentation and interpretation.

As with the first course, the students worked on individual projects throughout the year and then reconvened to review and discuss their work. Some key topics were revisited and expanded upon, and more advanced topics were introduced. This reinforced skills and knowledge already gained, while broadening the learning experience.

Selected participants from both courses were funded by the Getty Foundation to attend the 2014 ICCM conference in Sardinia, further solidifying the professional network formed by these courses.

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