People look closely at a painting

In March 2018, the Conservation Institute held an experts meeting at the Getty Center to discuss issues related to the cleaning of wooden gilded surfaces. Twelve invited participants came from Australia, Brazil, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These outside experts were joined by Getty staff from the Conservation Institute and the Getty Museum who brought to the discussion their experiences from the United States and Italy.

Participants were selected for their ability to offer different international perspectives; to represent diverse and complementary professional backgrounds in the field of wooden gilded surfaces conservation and cleaning systems developed for sensitive surfaces; and to represent conservation science.

The goal of the meeting was to discuss the preservation of wooden gilded surfaces globally, with a focus on cleaning, by addressing the following questions:

  • Who are the various stakeholders involved in the preservation of wooden gilded surfaces? What is the impact of their opinion, and who makes the final decision regarding treatment? Can there be more efficient dialogue between all those involved, including the conservator, and if so, how?

  • What is the level of knowledge of the materials and techniques used to create and restore wooden gilded surfaces throughout time and in different countries among professionals in charge of their preservation?

  • What are the educational offerings available in various countries in the field of gilded surfaces in terms of undergraduate and graduate programs and professional development opportunities for practicing conservators? What specific needs could be addressed through a Conservation Institute course for professional development? What kinds of reference materials would be helpful?

  • What approaches are taken to cleaning wooden gilded surfaces that consider both ethical and practical perspectives?

  • What methods are used to examine gilded surfaces and assess the effects of cleaning?

During the first day of the meeting, participants gave presentations addressing the above questions with regard to their own backgrounds and experience and the practices in their countries. On the second day, curators from the Getty Museum joined the group to discuss the ethical considerations of conservation treatments and dialogue between different stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. Following this, a half-day discussion focused on specific cleaning methods available to treat the sensitive gilded wooden surfaces.

The last day of the meeting began with presentations by conservation scientists and group discussions on the scientific methods used to study gilded wooden surfaces and control the effects of cleaning systems. The meeting concluded in the afternoon with group discussions on the next steps to be taken, including strategies to answer identified training needs in the form of workshops and reference materials.

The meeting report is available in the Resources section.

External Participants

  • Zoe Allen, Head of Furniture Conservation, Victoria and Albert Museum, London
  • Judy Wetherall, Conservator, Gilding and Decorative Surfaces, Knole Conservation Studio, Knole House, Kent
  • Nathalie Balcar, Conservation Scientist, Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France, Paris
  • Stéphanie Courtier, Conservator of Gilded Wood, Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France, Paris
  • Marie Dubost, Conservator of Gilded and Painted Wood, Atelier de la Feuille d’Or, Paris
  • Dr. Leticia Ordoñez Goded, Furniture Conservator, Arcaz Restauración S.L., Madrid
  • Dr. Malgorzata Sawicki, Head, Frames Conservation, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
  • Dr. Luiz Souza, Head, Conservation Science Laboratory, School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Mary McGinn, Paintings Conservator, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia
  • Peggy Olley, Associate Conservator of Furniture and Woodwork, Philadelphia Museum of Art
  • Chris Stavroudis, Paintings Conservator, Los Angeles
  • Sydney Beall, Postgraduate Associate (Fellow) in Paintings Conservation, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven

Getty Participants

  • Dr. Stéphanie Auffret, Project Specialist, Conservation Institute (organizer and moderator)
  • Charissa Bremer David, Curator of Sculpture and Decorative Arts, Getty Museum
  • Dr. Davide Gasparotto, Senior Curator, Department Head of Paintings, Getty Museum
  • Gene Karraker, Associate Conservator of Frames, Getty Museum
  • Douglas MacLennan, Research Laboratory Associate, Conservation Institute
  • Silvia Ottolini, Painting Conservator and volunteer, Getty Museum
  • Michael Schilling, Senior Scientist, Head of Materials Characterization Research, Conservation Institute
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