Analyzing and Understanding Paint Composition

A component of Outdoor Sculpture

Paints used by artists for outdoor sculpture or by those repainting these works are often industrial and automotive paints developed for different applications. These paints have a very different chemistry than traditional artist's paints and come in an enormous array of formulations. While a vast body of knowledge is available in the industry, it so far has not been transferred to conservators.

It is important to develop a broad understanding of the main categories of industrial paints that can be used for outdoor painted sculpture, while learning how a paint's composition relates to its properties and aging behaviors.

Building on expertise developed through its Modern Paints project in identifying acrylic, modern oils, alkyds, and PVAs, the Conservation Institute is creating analytical protocols specifically adapted to paints used for outdoor sculptures, especially polyurethane-based paints, and building analytical libraries to more accurately identify them.

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