Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative

Multi-Project Initiative

Multifaceted, long-term research program focusing on the many and varied conservation needs of modern and contemporary art

Project Details

Two large pieces of three-dimensional modern art in a museum gallery



The myriad of materials and technologies used by artists, the lack of established conservation treatments, and potential conflicts between an artist’s concept and physical aging of works of art make conserving modern and contemporary art widely recognized as having some of the most difficult and pressing challenges in the field. To address this, the Modern and Contemporary Art Initiative is undertaking multifaceted, long-term research in recognition of the critical need for coordinated work.


The myriad of materials and technologies used by artists, the lack of established conservation treatments, and potential conflicts between an artist’s concept and physical aging of works of art make conserving modern and contemporary art widely recognized as having some of the most difficult and pressing challenges in the field. To address this, the Modern and Contemporary Art Initiative is undertaking multifaceted, long-term research in recognition of the critical need for coordinated work.


  • The 2008 two-day "Object in Transition" conference at the Getty Center, which was focused on the conservation of contemporary sculpture, painting, and mixed-media artworks, and the collaborative possibilities for conservators, art historians, and curators
  • The 2008 international experts meeting, Conservation Issues of Modern and Contemporary Art, which built upon main issues highlighted at the Object in Transition conference
  • The 2019 conference “Living Matter: The Preservation of Biological Materials in Contemporary Art” organized in partnership with the Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografia (ENCRyM) of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), Mexico City and the open access conference proceedings
  • The 2023 symposium, "Challenging the Narrative: Conservation and Replication of Immersive Artworks" held at the Haus der Kunst, Munich, which examined new narratives in the conservation, replication, and reproduction of immersive artworks


The Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative was launched in 2007 in recognition of the critical need for attention and coordinated work on this subject. The Getty Conservation Institute is well placed to participate in this area, with excellent resources in its science laboratories, in-house conservation knowledge and skills, strong and established links to the profession worldwide, and programs for developing workshops, education guidance, and dissemination.



Project Team

Stravoula Golfomitsu, Head of Collections; Tom Learner, Head of Science; Anna Laganà, Principal Research Specialist; Ellen Moody, Project Specialist; Flavia Perugini, Senior Project Specialist


GCI Council

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