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ID: 500032560
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Record Type: Person
Lemke, Johann Philip (Swedish painter and printmaker, 1631-1711)

Note: Comment on works: Battles; Hunt scenes; Landscapes

Lemke, Johann Philip (preferred,V,index,Dutch-P,NA)
Johann Philip Lemke (V,display)
Lemke, Johan Philip (V)
Johann Philip Lembke (V)
Lembke, Johann Philip (V)
Lemcke, Johann Philip (V)
Lemke, Hans (V)
Lembke, Hans (V)
Lemcke, Hans (V)
Lemke, Johann Philipp (U)
Lembke, Johann Philipp (U)
Lembke, Johan Philip (U)
Lembke, Johan Filip (U)
Gio. Felippo Lemp (LU,U)
Johann Philipp Lembke (LU,U)
Johann Philippus Lembke (LU,U)
Joh. Philipp Lembke (LU,U)
Joh. Phil. Lembke (LU,U)
Joh. Phil. Lempke (LU,U)
J.P. Lembcke (LU,U)

Swedish (preferred)

artist (preferred)
court painter

Gender: male

Birth and Death Places:
Born:  Nuremberg (Bavaria, Germany) (inhabited place)
Died:  Stockholm (Stockholm county, Sweden) (inhabited place)

Related People or Corporate Bodies:
student of ....  Decker, Evert  
..................  (German painter, active 1622-1647) [500329875]
student of ....  Scheits, Matthias  
..................  (German painter, illustrator, and printmaker, ca.1630-ca.1700) [500009672]
student of ....  Wet, Johann de  
..................  (Dutch painter, born ca. 1617) [500026984]
student of ....  Weyer, Jacob  
..................  (German painter, baptized 1923, died 1670) [500001037]
teacher of ....  Bemmel, Johann Georg von  
..................  (German painter, 1669-1723) [500006676]
teacher of ....  Crus, Isac  
..................  (North Netherlandish painter, 1680-1751) [500727915]
teacher of ....  Tessin, Carl Gustaf  
..................  (Swedish diplomat, author, 1695-1770) [500042119]

List/Hierarchical Position:
 ....  Persons, Artists
 ........  Lemke, Johann Philip (I)

(Swedish painter and printmaker, 1631-1711) ..... [BHA Preferred]
(German draughtsman, 1631-1711) ..... [GRLPA]
(German painter, 1631-1711) ..... [PROV]
(German artist, 1631-1711) ..... [WCP]
(German artist, 1631-1711) ..... [WL-Courtauld]
(German painter, 1631-1711) ..... [Grove Art]
(German artist, 1631-1711) ..... [PROV]
(German painter, 1631-1711) ..... [RKD]

Additional Names:
J.P. Lembke (LU,U)
Lembke (LU,U)
lembke, joh. ph. (LU,U)
Lemcke (LU,U)
Lemgen (LU,U)
Lemke (LU,U)
Philipp Lemcke (LU,U)

Sources and Contributors:
Gio. Felippo Lemp ........ [PROV]
...................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Johann Philip Lembke ........ [PROV, VP]
.........................................  Getty Provenance Index Databases [online] (1989-)
Johann Philip Lemke ........ [PROV, VP]
.......................................  Getty Provenance Index Databases [online] (1989-)
.......................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Johann Philipp Lembke ........ [PROV]
...........................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Johann Philippus Lembke ........ [PROV]
...............................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Joh. Philipp Lembke ........ [PROV]
.......................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Joh. Phil. Lembke ........ [PROV]
...................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Joh. Phil. Lempke ........ [PROV]
...................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
J.P. Lembcke ........ [PROV]
...........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
J.P. Lembke ........ [PROV]
.........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Lembke ........ [PROV]
...............  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Lembke, Hans ........ [WL-Courtauld]
..........................  Witt Library, Authority files
Lembke, Johan Filip ........ [RKD]
.......................................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 49279
Lembke, Johann Philip ........ [GRLPA, VP, WL-Courtauld]
...........................................  Database for the Witt Checklist of Painters c. 1200-1976 (1978-)
...........................................  Getty Research Library Photo Archive database
...........................................  Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) accessed 11 December 2002
...........................................  Witt Library, Authority files
Lembke, Johann Philipp ........ [Grove Art]
.............................................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
Lembke, Johan Philip ........ [Grove Art]
.........................................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
lembke, joh. ph. ........ [PROV]
..............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Lemcke ........ [PROV]
...............  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Lemcke, Hans ........ [RKD, WL-Courtauld]
..........................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 49279
..........................  Witt Library, Authority files
Lemcke, Johann Philip ........ [BHA, WL-Courtauld]
...........................................  BHA, Authority file (1973-)
...........................................  Database for the Witt Checklist of Painters c. 1200-1976 (1978-)
...........................................  Witt Library, Authority files
Lemgen ........ [PROV]
...............  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Lemke ........ [PROV]
.............  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Lemke, Hans ........ [VP, WCP, WL-Courtauld]
........................  Database for the Witt Checklist of Painters c. 1200-1976 (1978-)
........................  Witt Library, Authority files
Lemke, Johann Philip ........ [BHA Preferred, GRLPA Preferred, PROV Preferred, RKD Preferred, VP Preferred, WL-Courtauld Preferred]
.........................................  Database for the Witt Checklist of Painters c. 1200-1976 (1978-)
.........................................  Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) accessed 11 December 2002
.........................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
.........................................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 49279
.........................................  Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986)
.........................................  Witt Library, Authority files
Lemke, Johann Philipp ........ [Grove Art Preferred]
...........................................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
Lemke, Johan Philip ........ [Grove Art, VP]
.......................................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
.......................................  Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) accessed 11 December 2002
Philipp Lemcke ........ [PROV]
..............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)

Subject: ........ [BHA, GRLPA, Grove Art, PROV, RKD, VP, WCP, WL-Courtauld]
....................  Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976)
....................  BHA, Authority file (1973-)
....................  Database for the Witt Checklist of Painters c. 1200-1976 (1978-)
....................  Getty Provenance Index Databases [online] (1989-)
....................  Getty Research Library Photo Archive database
....................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
....................  Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) accessed 11 December 2002
....................  RILA/BHA (1975-2000)
....................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 49279
....................  Svenskt konstnärslexikon (1952-67)
....................  Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986)
....................  Wikidata online (2000-) Q320671
....................  Witt Library, Authority files
English .......... [PROV]
.......... Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
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