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Sarto, Andrea del (Florentine painter, 1486-1530)
Note: Andrea was the leading painter in Florence in the early 16th century. He was influenced by Leonardo da Vinci, Fra Bartolommeo, Michelangelo and Raphael. He developed his own version of the classical style of the High Renaissance, anticipating some qualities of Mannerism. He is noted for paintings of religious themes and portraits. |
Names: |
Sarto, Andrea del (preferred,V,index,LC,English-P,NA,U) |
Sarto, Andrea del (Dutch-P,NA) |
Andrea del Sarto (V,display) |
Andrea Del Sarto (V) |
Andrea d'Agnolo (V) |
Andrea d'Agnolo di Francesco (V) |
Andrea d'Angiolo (V) |
Andrea del Sarto Fiorentino (V) |
del Sarto, Andrea (V) |
Del Sarto, Andrea (V) |
Sarto, Andrea d'Agnolo del (V) |
Andrea del Sarte (V) |
Agnolo, Andrea d' (V) |
d'Agnolo, Andrea, del Sarto (V) |
Andr. del Sarto (V) |
Andre de Sartre (V) |
André del Sarte (V) |
André del Sarto (V) |
Andrea Delsarto (V) |
Andrea del Sardi (V) |
Nationalities: |
Italian (preferred) |
Florentine |
Related People or Corporate Bodies: |
influenced by .... |
Bartolommeo, Fra |
........................ |
(Florentine painter and draftsman, 1472-1517) [500115575] |
influenced by .... |
Leonardo da Vinci |
........................ |
(Italian painter, draftsman, scientist, 1452-1519) [500010879] |
influenced by .... |
Raphael |
........................ |
(Italian painter, architect, 1483-1520) [500023578] |
patron was .... |
Salviati family |
.................. |
(Italian patrons, active 16th-early 17th centuries) [500325402] |
teacher of .... |
Bandinelli, Baccio |
.................. |
(Italian sculptor, architect, 1488-1560) [500008366] |
teacher of .... |
Conte, Jacopino del |
.................. |
(Italian painter, 1510-1598) [500030788] |
teacher of .... |
Foschi, Sigismondo |
.................. |
(Italian painter, died 1532) [500020627] |
teacher of .... |
Paladini, Filippo |
.................. |
(Italian painter, ca. 1544-1615) [500160984] |
teacher of .... |
Pontormo |
.................. |
(Italian painter and draftsman, 1494-1557) [500008780] |
teacher of .... |
Puligo, Domenico |
.................. |
(Italian painter, 1492-1527) [500019132] |
teacher of .... |
Rosselli, Bernardo |
.................. |
(Florentine painter, active 1532-1569) [500121426] |
teacher of .... |
Rosso Fiorentino |
.................. |
(Italian draftsman and painter, 1494-1540, active in France) [500014451] |
teacher of .... |
Salviati, Francesco Salviati entered the studio in 1529 |
.................. |
(Italian painter, draftsman, 1510-1563) [500002852] |
teacher of .... |
Sguazzella, Andrea |
.................. |
(Italian painter, active 1517-1557) [500021596] |
teacher of .... |
Vasari, Giorgio |
.................. |
(Italian painter, architect, writer, 1511-1574) [500017608] |
uncle/aunt of .... |
Piero di Cosimo |
........................ |
(Florentine painter, 1462-1521) [500007508] |
worked with .... |
Franciabigio |
.................... |
(Florentine painter, 1484-1525) [500115536] |
List/Hierarchical Position: |
(Florentine painter, 1486-1530) ..... [VP Preferred]
(Italian painter, 1486-1530) ..... [BHA]
(16.VIII.1486-29.IX.1530; Artist, Painter, Firenze) ..... [FDA]
(Italian painter, 1486-1530) ..... [GRLPA]
(Italian, 1486-1530) ..... [JPGM]
(Italian painter, 1486-1530) ..... [PROV]
(Italian artist, 1486-1530) ..... [WCP]
(Italian artist, 1486-1530) ..... [WL-Courtauld]
(Italian painter (artist), 1486-1530) ..... [CL-Courtauld]
(Italian painter, 1486-1530) ..... [Grove Art]
(artist, 1486-1530) ..... [GRL]
(painter, 1486-1530) ..... [GRL]
(Unknown artist) ..... [GRISC]
(Italian painter, 1486-1530) ..... [RKD]
Additional Names: |
Andrea del Sarti (V) |
Andrea del Sartto (V) |
Andrea DelSarto (V) |
Andrea Delserto (V) |
Andrea di Sarto (V) |
Andrea Sarto (V) |
Andrea de Sarto (V) |
Andrea del Salto (V) |
Andrew del Sarto (V) |
Andria del Sarto (V) |
Andreas Angeli Francisci (V) |
Andrea Vannucci (V) |
Andres del Sartto (V) |
Andrea D'Agnolo (V) |
Vannucchi, Andrea (U) |
Sarto, André del (U) |
A del Sarte (LU,U) |
A. del Sarte (LU,U) |
A. Delsarte (LU,U) |
A. Del Sarto (LU,U) |
A Del Sarto (LU,U) |
Adelsarto (LU,U) |
A. Delsarto (LU,U) |
A: del Sarto (LU,U) |
A. del Serto (LU,U) |
A. de Sarto (LU,U) |
A. di Sarto (LU,U) |
Adrea del Sarto (LU,U) |
Adrian del Sarto (LU,U) |
A. D. Sarto (LU,U) |
A.D. Sarto (LU,U) |
And.a del Sarti (LU,U) |
Anda. del Sarto (LU,U) |
And.a del Sarto (LU,U) |
Anda. dl Sarto (LU,U) |
And.a Sarto (LU,U) |
And. Delsarte (LU,U) |
And. del Sarte (LU,U) |
And: del Sarto (LU,U) |
And. del Sarto (LU,U) |
And. Delsarto (LU,U) |
And. Del. Sarto (LU,U) |
And. del Sorto (LU,U) |
Ande. del Sarto (LU,U) |
An. del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andr. del Sardo (LU,U) |
Andr Del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea (LU,U) |
andrea d'angelo del sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea del Certa (LU,U) |
andrea del Sacco (LU,U) |
Andrea del Sacho (LU,U) |
andrea del sardo (LU,U) |
Andrea Delsart (LU,U) |
Andrea del Sarta (LU,U) |
Andréa del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea Del Sarto, Eigentl. Andrea Angeli (LU,U) |
Andrea del Sarto, or Andrea Venucchi (LU,U) |
Andrea del Serto (LU,U) |
andrea di agnolo gen. del sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea dl Sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea el sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea Sarti (LU,U) |
Andreas del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andreas Delsarto (LU,U) |
Andrea Vannini detto del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea Vannucchi detto Andrea del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea Vannucci, Called, Andrea del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea Vannucci, Called Andrea del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea Vannucci detto del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andrea Vanucchi (LU,U) |
André Delfart (LU,U) |
André del Salte (LU,U) |
André Delsaltre (LU,U) |
André del Sart (LU,U) |
André Delsart (LU,U) |
André Del-Sarte (LU,U) |
André Delsarte (LU,U) |
André d'Elsarte (LU,U) |
André Delsartes (LU,U) |
Andre del Sarti (LU,U) |
André Del-Sarto (LU,U) |
André Delsarto (LU,U) |
André del Sartre (LU,U) |
André Delsate (LU,U) |
André del Serto (LU,U) |
André Delzatte (LU,U) |
andree del sarto (LU,U) |
Andreo del Sarte (LU,U) |
Andres del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andrés del Sarto (LU,U) |
Andres el sarto (LU,U) |
Andr. Vannucchi, genannt del Sarto (LU,U) |
A. Vanucchi or del Sarto (LU,U) |
Del Sarto (LU,U) |
del sarto, andrea (LU,U) |
Delserto (LU,U) |
El Sarto (LU,U) |
Sardo (LU,U) |
Sarti (LU,U) |
Sarto (LU,U) |
sarto a. del (LU,U) |
Sarto, A. del (LU,U) |
sarto andrea del (LU,U) |
Sarto fiorentino (LU,U) |
Vannucci, dit del Sarto (LU,U) |
Vanucchi Andrea detto Dal Sarto (LU,U) |
Sources and Contributors: |
Andrea del Sarto ........ | [BHA Preferred, FDA Preferred, GRISC Preferred, GRL, GRLPA Preferred, JPGM Preferred, PROV Preferred, RKD, VP, WCP Preferred] |
................................ |
Database for the Witt Checklist of Painters c. 1200-1976 (1978-)
................................ |
GRIL NACO contribution (n.d.)
................................ |
J. Paul Getty Museum, collections online (2000-)
................................ |
Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) n 82037657
................................ |
Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
................................ |
M. Knoedler & Co. records, Finding Aid, GRI Special Collections (2012-)
................................ |
Oxford Concise Dictionary of Art and Artists (1996) 15
................................ |
RILA/BHA (1975-2000) Subject, 1988
................................ |
RKD Artists database (2000-) 69797 | | | | | | | | |
Sarto, Andrea del ........ | [BHA, FDA, GRL Preferred, GRLPA, Grove Art Preferred, PROV, RKD Preferred, VP Preferred] |
.................................. |
Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976) 9/301
.................................. |
Getty Research Library Photo Archive database
.................................. |
GRIL NACO contribution (n.d.)
.................................. |
Grove Art artist database (1989-)
.................................. |
Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) Accessed 05/02/2002.
.................................. |
Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) n 82037657
.................................. |
Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
.................................. |
National Gallery of Art database, Washington (1987-)
.................................. |
Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
.................................. |
RILA/BHA (1975-2000) Subject, 1988
.................................. |
RKD Artists database (2000-) 69797
.................................. |
Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986) 29/473 | | | | | | | | | | | |
Subject: ........ | [BHA, CL-Courtauld, FDA, Gallery Systems, GRISC, GRL, GRLPA, Grove Art, JPGM, PROV, RKD, VP, WCP, WL-Courtauld] |
.................... |
Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976) 9/301
.................... |
BHA, Authority file (1973-)
.................... |
Bolaffi, Dizionario dei pittori italiani (1972-1976)
.................... |
Database for the Witt Checklist of Painters c. 1200-1976 (1978-)
.................... |
Dizionario biografico degli Italiani (1960)
.................... |
Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (1949-1951)
.................... |
Encyclopedia of World Art (1959-1987)
.................... |
Gallery Systems (2000-) LOC ID: n82037657
.................... |
Getty Provenance Index Databases [online] (1989-)
.................... |
Getty Research Library Photo Archive database
.................... |
GRIL NACO contribution (n.d.)
.................... |
Grove Art artist database (1989-)
.................... |
Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) Accessed 05/02/2002.
.................... |
J. Paul Getty Museum, collections online (2000-)
.................... |
Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) LOC ID: n82037657
.................... |
Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-) http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n82037657
.................... |
Musset, A. de. André del Sarto ; Lorenzaccio, c1978: t.p. (Andr$00e del Sarto)
.................... |
National Gallery of Art database, Washington (1987-)
.................... |
Oxford Concise Dictionary of Art and Artists (1996) 15
.................... |
Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
.................... |
RILA/BHA (1975-2000) Subject, 1988
.................... |
RKD Artists database (2000-) 69797
.................... |
Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986) 29/473
.................... |
Wikidata online (2000-) Q5571
.................... |
Witt Library, Authority files | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |