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For the current release of CONA, note that the number of records included in CONA is as yet limited. The total will grow through contributions over time; data is added and updated every month. Please contact us at if your institution wishes to contribute to CONA. As with the AAT, TGN, and ULAN, CONA and IA grow through contributions from the user community. Searching: Multiple terms may be entered in most fields in the form. Assume Boolean "or" between values within one field and Boolean "and" between fields. You may type search terms directly into the form. Alternatively, use the "Lookup" option to find terms in AAT, TGN ULAN, or IA. Choose terms from Lookup, and click "Return to CONA.” See additional search tips.
Learn about the purpose, scope, and
structure of CONA and the IA. CONA compiles titles, attributions, depicted subjects, and other metadata about works of art, architecture, and cultural heritage, both extant and historical, physical and conceptual. Metadata is gathered and linked from museum collections, special collections, archives, libraries, scholarly research, and other sources. CONA is linked to the AAT, TGN, ULAN, and the IA (Iconography Authority). Through rich metadata and links, CONA may provide a powerful conduit for research and discovery for digital art history. The Getty Iconography Authority (IA) includes proper names and other information for named events, themes and narratives from religion/mythology, legendary and fictional characters, works of literature and performing arts, and legendary and fictional places.
about CONA and IA
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frequently asked questions about CONA and IA.
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Use of CONA and IA
Copyright © 2017 The J. Paul Getty Trust. All rights reserved. The Getty vocabularies are made available via the Web browsers to support limited research and cataloging efforts. Companies and institutions interested in more extensive use of AAT, TGN, or ULAN are advised to explore the Linked Open Data releases. APIs are available. Relational tables and XML releases are also available, but may be discontinued in the future. All releases are available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) 1.0. Releases of CONA and IA are under development.
Updated 11 May 2017