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Top of the CONA Hierarchy
.... Built Works (CONA facet)
........ <B> (8)
............ Built Works by class: monuments and monumental structures
................ 13-storied stone pagoda
................ 200 Litchfield Street
................ 7/7 Memorial
................ 7 Screen Pavilion
................ Admiral Dewey Memorial Arch
................ Admirality Arch
................ Agrippa Monument
................ Ahn Jung-geun Memorial
................ AIDS Memorial Grove
................ A. J. Downing Grave Monument
................ Albert Memorial
................ Alexander Column
................ All-India War Memorial Arch
................ Al Sayab Statue
................ Al Shaheed
................ Althorp
................ American Battle Monument Memorial
................ Ames Monument
................ A.N. Skinner Monument
................ Anthropomorphic stele
................ Arab Sarai
................ Ara pacis
................ Arcadian Gate
................ Arc de Triomphe
................ Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
................ Arc de Triomphe du Trône
................ Arc de Triomphe, Porte St.-Antoine
................ Arc de triomphe pour la place du Trône
................ Arc Du Rhone
................ Arch
................ Arch
................ Arch of Argentari
................ Arch of Claudius
................ Arch of Constantine
................ Arch of Constantine
................ Arch of Diocletian
................ Arch of Drusus
................ Arch of Freedom
................ Arch of Gallienus
................ Arch of Germanicus
................ Arch of Hadrian
................ Arch of Hadrian
................ Arch of Independence
................ Arch of Janus
................ Arch of Janus Quadrifrons
................ Arch of Jupiter Ammon
................ Arch of Marcus Aurelius
................ Arch of Marcus Aurelius
................ Arch of Marcus Aurelius
................ Arch of Pope Pius VI
................ Arch of Portogallo
................ Arch of Septimius Severus
................ Arch of Septimus Alexander
................ Arch of the Argentarii
................ Arch of the Gabii
................ Arch of the Moneychangers
................ Arch of Tiberius
................ Arch of Titus
................ Arch of Trajan
................ Arco della Pace
................ Arco delle Scalette
................ Arco de Santa Clara
................ Arcus Septimii Severi
................ Arezastis Monument
................ Army Memorial (4th Western Brigade)
................ Augustus Monument
................ Avebury Circle
................ Azadi Monument
................ Aztec Ruins National Monument
................ Baltimore Battle Monument
................ Bandelier National Monument
................ Bartolomeo Colleoni Monument
................ Battiad Monument
................ Battle Monument
................ Brothers Schmidt Monument
................ Browne Clayton Monument
................ Canadian National War Memorial
................ Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall
................ Channing Memorial
................ Cheesman Memorial
................ Chinese Teahouse
................ Choragic Monument
................ Choregic Monument of Lysikrates
................ Choregic Monument of Thrasyllos
................ Christ the Redeemer
................ Colossi of Memnon
................ Column of Marcus Aurelius
................ Coykendal Memorial
................ Crowell Memorial
................ Daughters Of The American Revolution Monument
................ Depew Memorial Fountain
................ Dionysion Choregic monument I
................ Ecce Homo arch
................ Eddy Mary Baker Monument
................ Egyptian Obelisk
................ Ehrenmal der Bundeswehr
................ Ehrentempel
................ Elihu Burritt Memorial
................ El Templete
................ Ernst Abbe Monument
................ Esquiline Obelisk
................ Farragut Monument
................ Finstere Medine
................ Firdausi Memorial
................ First Division Monument
................ Five Column Monument of the Tetrarchs
................ Flaminio Obelisk
................ Founder's memorial
................ Fountain in Plane Tree Grove
................ Four Rivers Fountain
................ Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
................ Fredrick the Great Monument
................ Freston Tower
................ Funerary Monument at Xenvares
................ Gambetta monument
................ Garda Síochána na hÉireann Memorial Garden
................ Garibaldi Memorial
................ Garibaldi monument
................ Gate of Vespasian
................ Gateshead War Memorial
................ Gateway of India
................ Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer
................ German War Monument
................ Governor Flower Monument
................ Governor William Bradford Monument
................ Great Zimbabwe National Monument
................ Guru Tegh Bahadur Memorial
................ Hamilton War Memorial
................ Hawick War Memorial
................ Hindenburg Monument
................ Hooton Park
................ Horace White Memorial
................ John Harvard Monument
................ Julian Monument
................ Kabatas Monument
................ Kent State University Memorial
................ Kerameikos Dexileos monument
................ Kreuzberg monument
................ Les Arenes (Monumental Bullring)
................ Lincoln Memorial
................ Maine Memorial
................ Maison Forestière
................ Mary Baker Eddy memorial
................ Matthew Fontaine Maury Monument
................ McKinley Monument
................ McKinley National Memorial
................ Memorial Arch
................ Mémorial de la Grande Guerre
................ Memorial de la Solidaridad San Alberto Hurtado
................ Memorial de Paine
................ memorial Desilles
................ Memorial do Holocausto
................ Memorial du Martyr Juif Inconnu
................ Memoriale della Deportazione
................ Memorial E. Luce, 9/11 Memorial
................ Memoriale per Mattei
................ Memorial Labyrinth
................ Memorial to Andrew Jackson Downing
................ Memorial to the Martyrs of the Deportation
................ Memorial to the Missing of the Somme
................ Memorial Tower National Historic Site
................ Model for Second Empire Triumphal Arch at the place du Trône
................ Monument Against Fascism
................ Monumental Arch
................ Monumental building
................ Monumental Gate
................ Monument in Three Powers Square
................ Monumento Emblemático del 150 Aniversario de la Batalla de Puebla
................ Monument of Aemilius Paulus
................ Monument of C. Julius Zoilos
................ Monument of Liberty
................ Monument of Octavian
................ Monument of Philopappos
................ Monument of Tertia Horatia
................ Monument of the Eponymous Heroes
................ Monument to Bishop Richard Trevor
................ Monument to Edith Cavell
................ Monument to Emperor William I
................ Monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi
................ Monument to Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg
................ Monument to Queen Luise
................ Monument to Revolutionary Fighters
................ Monument to the Duchess of Northumberland
................ Monument to the Great Fire
................ Monument To The March Dead
................ Monument to the Missing of the Somme
................ Monument to the Partisan Woman
................ Nelson Monument
................ Newark Monument
................ Obelisco de Buenos Aires
................ Obelisco Lateranense
................ Obelisk
................ Obelisk (from Circus)
................ Obelisk of Sesostris I
................ Oklahoma City National Memorial
................ Orford Parish Memorial Fountain
................ Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial
................ Peshawar Bazaar
................ Philopappos Monument
................ Point De Grave Monument
................ Pomník maršála Radeckého (Monument to Marshal Radetzky)
................ Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument
................ Queen Victoria Memorial
................ Quentin Roosevelt Memorial
................ RAF Bomber Command Memorial
................ Rajiv Gandhi Memorial
................ Soldiers and Sailors Monument
................ Soldiers and Sailors Monument
................ Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument
................ Soldiers Memorial building
................ Soldiers' Monument
................ Spiral Jetty
................ Statue of Liberty
................ Stelae
................ Telegraph Monument
................ Thomas Jefferson Memorial
................ Towers of Satellite City
................ Trajan’s Column
................ Tree of Knowledge
................ Triumphal Arch
................ Triumphal Arch
................ Triumphal arch
................ Triumphal Arch
................ Triumphal Arch at Temple Bar
................ Triumphal arch of Septimius Severus
................ Tropaeum Traiani
................ Troy
................ Uch Monument Complex
................ Uffington white horse
................ Unknown Soldier Monument
................ Unknown Soldier Monument (Old)
................ Untuned Bell (Schjerfbeck Memorial)
................ Vasco de Gama's pillar
................ Victor Emmanuel II monument
................ Victory Column
................ Vietnam Veterans Memorial
................ Vijayanagara
................ Volkerschlacht Monument
................ Von Neuschatz Memorial
................ Voortrekker Monument
................ Walhalla
................ Walter Camp Memorial
................ War Memorial
................ War Memorial
................ War Memorial
................ War Memorial
................ War Memorial Annex
................ War Memorial to the Missing
................ Warren Gamliel Harding Memorial
................ Washington Irving Memorial
................ Washington Monument
................ Washington Monument
................ Washington Monument
................ Washington National Monument
................ Webb Memorial
................ Welcome Park
................ Widener Memorial School for Handicapped Children (Pool Addition)
................ William McKinley Memorial
................ World War Veterans' Memorial
................ WWII Memorial ("Aisty"/storks)
................ Xiaoyan Pagoda
................ Xuanzhuang Pagoda
................ Yehiam Memorial
................ Zafar-Mahal pavilion
................ Zekvi Kadin Çesmesi
................ Buckingham Fountain [N]
................ Column of the Immaculate Conception [N]
................ Column of Victory [N]
................ Elephant and Obelisk, Piazza della Minerva [N]
................ Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi [N]
................ Fontana della Barcaccia [N]
................ Fontana della Terrina [N]
................ Fontana delle Api [N]
................ Fontana delle Naiadi [N]
................ Fontana del Tritone [N]
................ Fontana Moro [N]
................ Fountain Court [N]
................ Fountain of Neptune [N]
................ Kirov Monument [N]
................ Monument to José Martí [N]
................ Monument to Victor Emmanuel II [N]
................ Neptune Fountain [N]
................ Our Lady of Sorrows Grotto [N]
................ Pagoda [N]
................ Park Güell grotto [N]
................ Pavilhão Ciccillo Matarazzo [N]
................ Round Temple [N]
................ Temple of Apollo [N]
................ Temple of Daphne [N]
................ Temple of Diana [N]
................ Temple of Diana [N]
................ Temple of Music [N]
................ Temple of Saint Crispin's [N]
................ Temple of Theseus [N]
................ Temple of Venus and Parlour of Venus [N]
................ Triumphal Arch [N]
................ Washington Square Memorial Arch [N]

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