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Kalckreuth, Leopold (German painter and etcher, 1855-1928)
Names: |
Kalckreuth, Leopold (preferred,V,index,LC) |
Leopold Kalckreuth (V,display) |
Kalckreuth, Leopold von (V,Dutch-P,NA) |
Kalckreuth, Leopold, Graf von (V) |
Kalckreuth, Leopold Karl Walter, Graf von (V) |
Kalckreuth, Leopold Carl Walther, Graf von (V) |
Kalckreuth, Leopold Carl Walther Graf Von (V) |
Leopold Carl Walther Graf Von Kalckreuth (V) |
Kalckreuth, Leopold Karl Walter (U) |
Kalckreuth, Karl Winter Leopold (U) |
Von Kalckreuth, Leopold (U) |
Kalckreuth, Léopold (U) |
Kalckreuth, Leopold Von (U) |
Leopold Von Kalckreuth (U) |
Kalckreuth, Leopold Karl Walter (Graf von) (U) |
Graf Leopold V. Kalckreuth (LU,U) |
Graf Leopold V. Klackreuth (LU,U) |
graf leopold von kalckreuth (LU,U) |
Graf L. v. Kalckreuth (LU,U) |
graf p. v. kalchreuth (LU,U) |
Roles: |
artist (preferred) |
printmaker |
painter |
etcher |
graphic artist |
Related People or Corporate Bodies: |
fellow student of .... |
Faure, Amandus |
.............................. |
(Germain painter, etcher, and graphic artist, 1874-1931) [500138124] |
student of .... |
Benczúr, Gyula |
.................. |
(Hungarian painter and illustrator, 1844-1920) [500013687] |
student of .... |
Diez, Wilhelm von |
.................. |
(German painter, 1839-1907) [500002959] |
student of .... |
Linnig, Willem |
.................. |
(Belgian painter, 1819-1885) [500021824] |
student of .... |
Piloty, Karl von |
.................. |
(German painter, 1826-1886) [500030177] |
student of .... |
Schauss, Ferdinand 1875-1878 at the Kunstschule in Weimar |
.................. |
(German painter, 1832-1916) [500027933] |
student of .... |
Struys, Alexandre |
.................. |
(Belgian painter, 1852-1941) [500042613] |
teacher of .... |
Braune, Hugo L. |
.................. |
(German artist, born 1872) [500195523] |
teacher of .... |
Eckener, Alexander |
.................. |
(German painter and engraver, 1870-1944) [500061121] |
teacher of .... |
Eichrodt, Hellmuth |
.................. |
(German painter and graphic artist, 1872-1943) [500137021] |
teacher of .... |
Engelhard, Anton |
.................. |
(German artist, 1872-1936) [500358028] |
teacher of .... |
Hofer, Karl |
.................. |
(German painter, printmaker, and draftsman, 1878-1955) [500015138] |
teacher of .... |
Moilliet, Louis René 1904- |
.................. |
(Swiss painter, 1880-1962) [500014426] |
teacher of .... |
Zumbusch, Nora von |
.................. |
(Austrian ceramicist and sculptor, 1879-1915) [500034463] |
List/Hierarchical Position: |
(German painter and etcher, 1855-1928) ..... [VP Preferred]
(German artist, 1855-1928) ..... [WCP]
(German painter, printmaker, 1855-1928) ..... [BHA]
(German, 1855-1928) ..... [GRLPA]
(German artist, 1855-1928) ..... [WL-Courtauld]
(German painter, 1855-1928) ..... [Grove Art]
(artist, 1855-1928) ..... [GRL]
(German artist, 1855-1928) ..... [PROV]
(German artist, 1855-1928) ..... [MoMA]
(German painter, 1855-1928) ..... [RKD]
Additional Names: |
Kalckreuth der Jüngere (LU,U) |
Kalckreuth, Graf Leopold von (LU,U) |
kalckreuth leopold graf (LU,U) |
Kalckreuth, Leopold Graf von (LU,U) |
Kalckreuth, Leopold v. (LU,U) |
Kalckreuth, L. Graf von (LU,U) |
Kalckreuth, L. von (LU,U) |
kalkreuth (LU,U) |
leopold graf kalckreuth (LU,U) |
Leopold Graf v. Kalchreuth (LU,U) |
Leopold Graf v. Kalchreuth d. J. (LU,U) |
leopold graf v. kalckreuth (LU,U) |
Leopold Graf v. Kalckreuth d. j. (LU,U) |
leopold graf von Kalchreuth (LU,U) |
leopold graf von Kalckreuth (LU,U) |
Leopold, Graf von Kalckreuth (LU,U) |
Leopold Graf von Kalckreuth d. J. (LU,U) |
Leopold von Kalckreuth (LU,U) |
Leopold von Kalckreuth d.J. (LU,U) |
leopold von kalkreuth (LU,U) |
leop. v. kalckreuth (LU,U) |
leop. von kalckreuth (LU,U) |
l. graf v. kalckreuth (LU,U) |
l. v. kalckreuth (LU,U) |
l. von kalckreuth (LU,U) |
professor graf l. von kalckreuth (LU,U) |
Sources and Contributors: |
Kalckreuth, Leopold Karl Walter (Graf von) ........ | [RKD] |
................................................................................. |
RKD Artists database (2000-) 43271 |
Subject: ........ | [BHA, Gallery Systems, GRL, GRLPA, Grove Art, MoMA, PROV, RKD, VP, WCP, WL-Courtauld] |
.................... |
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon. Internationale Künstlerdatenbank (1993-2006)
.................... |
Busse, Maler und Bildhauer des 19 Jahrhunderts (1977)
.................... |
Database for the Witt Checklist of Painters c. 1200-1976 (1978-)
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Gallery Systems (2000-) LOC ID: nr2003015407
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Getty Vocabulary Program rules
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Grove Art artist database (1989-)
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Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) accessed 21 March 2003
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J. Paul Getty Museum, European Drawings (1988)
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Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) LOC ID: nr2003015407
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Neue deutsche Biographie (1953-1985)
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RKD Artists database (2000-) 43271
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Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986)
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Wikidata online (2000-) Q315488
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Witt Library, Authority files | | | | | | | | | | | | | |