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Semantic View (JSONRDFN3/TurtleN-Triples)

ID: 300251469
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Record Type: concept
frass (residue materials, <materials by origin>, ... Materials (hierarchy name))


Note: Powdered debris produced by insects in the course of feeding and boring, often including excrement and food remains. In art conservation, frass may be an indicator of insect damage.
frass (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,N)
frass (Spanish-P,D,U,U)
蛀屑 (C,U,Chinese (traditional)-P,D,U,U)
zhù xiè (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Hanyu Pinyin)-P,UF,U,U)
zhu xie (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Pinyin without tones)-P,UF,U,U)
chu hsieh (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Wade-Giles)-P,UF,U,U)
houtpoeder (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)
desecho de xilófago (C,U,Spanish,AD,U,U)

Facet/Hierarchy Code:  M.MT

Hierarchical Position:

Hierarchy of Materials Facet
Materials Facet
Hierarchy of Materials (hierarchy name)
.... Materials (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of materials (substances)
........ materials (substances) (G)
Hierarchy of <materials by origin>
............ <materials by origin> (G)
Hierarchy of residue materials
................ residue materials (G)
Hierarchy of frass
.................... frass (G)

Additional Notes:
Chinese (traditional) ..... 昆蟲在餵食及鑽孔時產生之粉狀碎屑,通常包含了排泄物與食物殘渣。 
Dutch ..... Verpoederde restanten die door insecten worden geproduceerd tijdens het voeden en boren; vaak met uitwerpselen en etensresten erin. 
Spanish ..... Desecho en polvo producido por insectos durante su alimentación y perforación, a menudo incluyendo excrementos y restos de alimentos. 

Sources and Contributors:
蛀屑............  [AS-Academia Sinica Preferred]
...........  智慧藏百科全書網 August 28, 2012
chu hsieh............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
....................  TELDAP database (2009-)
desecho de xilófago............  [CDBP-SNPC]
...................................  Ordóñez, Ordóñez y Rotaeda, El mueble. Conservación y restauración (1996) 77
frass............  [CDBP-SNPC Preferred, GCI Preferred, VP Preferred]
..............  Appelbaum, Guide to Environmental Protection of Collections (1991) 122
..............  Conservation Information Network. Bibliographic Database [n.d.] Searched 5/10/94 - 6 citations.
..............  Contributed as a candidate term AATA - nonmatch list
..............  Dardes and Rothe, Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings (1998) 62 ff.
..............  Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-) "Feeding habits and habitats," accessed 11 June 2024
..............  Oxford English Dictionary (1989)
..............  Oxford English Dictionary Online (2002-) accessed 11 June 2024
..............  Random House Unabridged Dictionary (1993)
..............  TAA database (2000-)
..............  Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961)
houtpoeder............  [AAT-Ned Preferred]
.......................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
.......................  Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
zhu xie............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
.................  TELDAP database (2009-)
zhù xiè............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
.................  TELDAP database (2009-)
Subject: .....  [AAT-Ned, AS-Academia Sinica, CDBP-SNPC, VP]
............  Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
English .......... [VP]
.......... Dardes and Rothe, Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings (1998)
.......... Legacy AAT data
.......... Oxford English Dictionary Online (2002-)
Chinese (traditional) .......... [AS-Academia Sinica]
.......... TELDAP database (2009-)
Dutch .......... [AAT-Ned]
.......... AAT-Ned (1994-)
.......... Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
Spanish .......... [CDBP-SNPC]
.......... TAA database (2000-)


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