The Getty
Experience the Last Days of Pompeii! Plus: Helen in Hollywood, free outdoor music, more
September 2012
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A T   T H E   G E T T Y   V I L L A
September Erupts at the Getty Villa

Visit the Villa

Information and Tickets:
(310) 440-7300

Drama unfolds on stage and in the galleries this month at the Getty Villa!

Explore Pompeii as a modern obsession with The Last Days of Pompeii: Decadence, Apocalypse, Resurrection, opening September 12. From Roman frescoes to modern-day film clips, the exhibition explores how each generation has made the ancient eruption of Mount Vesuvius its own.

Encounter the fierce Greek sculpture Lion Attacking a Horse from the Capitoline Museums, Rome, on view outside Italy for the first time in over two millennia.

And experience this season's Outdoor Theater Production of Euripides' Helen, a fantastical and rarely performed tale of Helen of Troy set at the close of Hollywood's Golden Age, premiering September 6.

The Last Days of Pompeii - opens September 12
The Eruption of Vesuvius, 24 August A.D. 79 (detail), 1813, Pierre Henri de Valenciennes. Musée des Augustins, Toulouse. Photo: Daniel Martin
A T   T H E   G E T T Y   C E N T E R
Final Days for Klimt, Ritts, and Prints at the Getty Center

Visit the Center

Current Exhibitions

(310) 440-7300

Don't miss the beautiful and evocative drawings of Gustav Klimt, the stunning photographs of Herb Ritts, and the fascinating recent print acquisitions from the Getty Research Institute that illustrate the history of printmaking—all closing this month at the Getty Center.

And new on view is The Art of Devotion in the Middle Ages, featuring sumptuous illuminated manuscripts from the Museum's collection.

September 21 is the last day for our extended Friday night hours, when we're open till 9:00 p.m.

Please note: the Getty Center is CLOSED Saturday and Sunday, September 29 and 30, due to construction on the 405 freeway.

Closing Soon: Gustav Klimt: The Magic of Line
Fish Blood, 1897–98, Gustav Klimt. Private collection, courtesy Galerie St. Etienne, New York
N E W   F R O M   G E T T Y   P U B L I C A T I O N S
New Mobile App: Highlights of the Museum Collections

Get the App

(310) 440-7300

Zoom in on 150 highlights of the Getty Museum's collection, including treasures of the ancient world, medieval manuscripts, Renaissance drawings, Impressionist paintings, American photographs, and more. Many of the works offer multiple views and audio commentary. Available for iPhone, iPad, and Android phone and tablet, each $2.99.

Learn more and download the app »

New Mobile App for the Getty Museum Collection!
Saturdays Off the 405
Saturday, September 15, 6:00–9:00 p.m. | The Getty Center

Performances and Films

(310) 440-7300

Continuing our free outdoor music series, Poolside creates music with "a vibe that frees everything up," says LA Weekly. Enjoy Klimt by night, grab a drink, stroll the gardens, and take in evening views of the city. Free; no reservations required. Parking is $10 after 5:00 p.m.

Learn more and see a video of Poolside »

Saturdays Off the 405: Poolside - September 15
Poolside's Filip Nikolic and Jeffrey Paradise
Arthur Schnitzler and Vienna 1900
Sunday, September 9, 4:00–7:30 p.m. | The Getty Center

Performances and Films

(310) 440-7300

This reading of the new literary work Arthur Schnitzler—Being Jewish illuminates the renowned and controversial Austrian writer's conflicted feelings about being a Jew. Following the performance, a panel discusses Schnitzler and his contemporaries, including Gustav Klimt, in the context of 19th- and early-20th-century Vienna. Free; reservations required.

Learn more and make reservations »

Performance and discussion: Arthur Schnitzler and Vienna - September 9
Portrait of Arthur Schnitzler, 1915, Atelier Madame d'Ora. Bildarchiv, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. Image courtesy ONB/Vienna, 203.759-D
C E L E B R I T Y   C H E F   S E R I E S
Anne Willan: The Cookbook Library
Wednesday, September 12, 12:00 p.m. | The Getty Center

Celebrity Chef Series

Information and Reservations:
(310) 440-7300

Join one of the world's great authorities on French cooking, master chef Anne Willan, for a book signing and a sumptuous four-course lunch featuring historical recipes from her new book The Cookbook Library: Four Centuries of the Cooks, Writers, and Recipes that Made the Modern Cookbook. Lunch is $75 ($90 with wine pairing); reservations required.

Learn more, make reservations, and see the lunch menu »

Celebrity Chef Series: Anne Willan - September 12
Authors Anne Willan and Mark Cherniavsky. Photo: Patty Williams
The Saint John's Bible: A Contemporary Illuminated Manuscript
Wednesday, September 5, 7:00 p.m. | The Getty Center

Lectures and Conversations

Information, Reservations, and Tickets:
(310) 440-7300

Renowned calligrapher Donald Jackson discusses the influences and techniques that informed his handwritten, hand-illuminated bible commissioned by Saint John's Abbey and University. Complements the new exhibition The Art of Devotion in the Middle Ages. Free; reservations required.

Learn more and make reservations »

The Saint John's Bible - September 5
Life in Community, Aidan Hart in collaboration with Donald Jackson. © 2002 The Saint John's Bible, Saint John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA
Beautiful Evil: The Challenge of Helen of Troy
Saturday, September 15, 2:00 p.m. | The Getty Villa

The ancient Greeks believed that female beauty was linked intrinsically to bad character. Thus, the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Troy, was the most destructive. Classicist Ruby Blondell explains the challenge the playwright Euripides faced in presenting his Helen as a paradigm of virtue as well as beauty. Free; a ticket is required.

Learn more and get tickets »

Helen's Beautiful Evil - September 15
Oil Jar with Paris and Helen (detail), Greek, 420–400 B.C.
Also in September

Getty Perspectives: Eric Kandel on the Age of Insight
September 19

A Visual Life: The Photographs of Ray K. Metzker
September 27

Illuminated Bibles, Then and Now
Wednesday, September 5, 1:00–6:00 p.m. | The Getty Center

Courses and Demonstrations

Information and Tickets:
(310) 440-7300

During the Middle Ages, Bibles and other religious books played an important role in devotional life, and they also served as material testaments to the piety of their owners. This course explores the history, significance, and making of illuminated Bibles and religious books.

Course fee $30 (parking fee not included). Complements the new exhibition The Art of Devotion in the Middle Ages.

Learn more and get tickets »

Illuminated Bibles, Then and Now - September 5
Ecclesiastes Frontispiece (detail), Donald Jackson. © 2006, The Saint John's Bible, Saint John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA
Highlights at a Glance—September 2012
At the Getty Center this month

The Getty Center is closed on Saturday and Sunday, September 29 and 30, due to construction on the 405 freeway.

C L O S I N G   T H I S   M O N T H
Herb Ritts: L.A. Style (Sept. 2)
Portraits of Renown: Photography and the Cult of Celebrity (Sept. 2)
Getty Research Institute: Recent Print Acquisitions (Sept. 2)
Gustav Klimt: The Magic of Line (Sept. 23)

H O T   T I C K E T S
Lecture: The Saint John's Bible (Sept. 5)
Performance: Arthur Schnitzler and Vienna 1900 (Sept. 9)
Celebrity Chef Series: Anne Willan (Sept. 12)
Saturdays off the 405: Poolside (Sept. 15)
Course: Illuminated Bibles (Sept. 15)

At the Getty Villa this month

The Getty Villa is closed on Wednesdays on September 5, 19, and 26 in preparation for the outdoor classical theater production of Euripides' Helen.

O P E N I N G   T H I S   M O N T H
The Last Days of Pompeii: Decadence, Apocalypse, Resurrection (Sept. 12)

C O N T I N U I N G   T H I S   M O N T H
Lion Attacking a Horse from the Capitoline Museums, Rome (through Feb. 4)

H O T   T I C K E T S
Outdoor Theater Production: Helen (Sept. 6–29)
Lecture: Helen of Troy (Sept. 15)

General inquiries:
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e-Getty feedback:

1200 Getty Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90049
(310) 440-7300

HOURS: Tues–Thu and Sun: 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fri & Sat: 10 a.m.–9 p.m., Closed Mondays

Admission to the Getty Center is FREE. Parking is $15, but $10 after 5:00 p.m. for Saturday evening hours and for evening events.
Plan your visit

17985 Pacific Coast Highway
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
(310) 440-7300

HOURS: Weds–Mon: 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Closed Tuesdays

Admission to the Getty Villa is FREE. An advance, timed-entry ticket is required. Parking is $15, but $10 for evening events after 5:00 p.m.
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