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22140 results
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1.   ............ Maack, Erika (Swiss photographer, born 1969)
2.   ............ Maack, Johann Hermann (German architect, active 19th
 ............ century)
3.   ............ Maack, Kristján (Icelandic photographer, contemporary)
4.   ............ Maag, Georgette (Swiss artist, born 1955)
5.   ............ Maahs, Rita (German commercial artist, born 1925)
6.   ............ Maakestad, John Norris (American painter, pastelist,
 ............ and sculptor, born 1928)
7.   ............ Maamoun, Maha (Egyptian photographer and video artist,
 ............ born 1972)
8.   ............ Maani, Anees (Jordanian sculptor, 1973-)
9.   ............ Maapola, Michael (South African painter, 1939-)
10.   ............ Maaravi, David (Russian artist, 1896-1945, active in
 ............ Palestine)
11.   ............ Maar, Dolf de (Dutch architect, contemporary)
12.   ............ Maar, Dora (French photographer and painter, 1907-1997)
13.   ............ Maarel, Marius van der (Dutch painter and draftsman,
 ............ 1857-1921)
14.   ............ Maari, Saher (Israeli painter, born 1974)
15.   ............ Maar, Johann (German artist, 1815-after 1870)
16.   ............ Maarschalkerweerd, Daphna van (Dutch graphic designer,
 ............ active 1995)
17.   ............ Maarsen, Marjolein (Dutch painter, 1954-)
18.   ............ Maarseveen, Henricus Theodorus Johannes Franciscus van
 ............ (Dutch draftsman and printmaker, born 1926)
19.   ............ Maarsman-van Dalm, Stella (Dutch artist, active 1994)
20.   ............ Maas, Catharina Theodora (Dutch graphic artist, 1961-)
21.   ............ Maasdamme, Rita (Aruban dollmaker, born 1944)
22.   ............ Maas, Denis (South African architect, contemporary)
23.   ............ Maasdijk, Alexander Henri Robert van (Dutch painter,
 ............ 1856-1931)
24.   ............ Maasdijk, Hein van (Dutch photographer, 1935-)
25.   ............ Maasdijk, Olla van (Dutch painter, 1940-)
26.   ............ Maas, Frans (Dutch architect, contemporary)
27.   ............ Maas, Gemma (Dutch textile artist, active 1995)
28.   ............ Maas, Harry (Dutch artist, 1906-1982)
29.   ............ Maas, Henricus Johannes (Dutch artist, 1821-, 19th century)
30.   ............ Maas, Jan (Dutch artist)
31.   ............ Maas, J. P. (Dutch sculptor, 1861-1941)
32.   ............ Maaskamp, Evert (Dutch artist, 1769-1834)
33.   ............ Maaskant, H. A. (Dutch architect, 1907-1977)
34.   ............ Maaskant, Johannes Albertus (Belgian sculptor and draftman,
 ............ born 1939)
35.   ............ Maaskant, Madeline (Dutch architect, contemporary)
36.   ............ Maaskant, Mariëtte (Dutch draftsman, 1968-)
37.   ............ Maas, Lorenz (German painter, 1845-1882)
38.   ............ Maas, Marina (Dutch illustrator, active 1993)
39.   ............ Maas, Paul (Belgian painter, 1890-1962)
40.   ............ Maas, Philip (Dutch photographer, 1887-1942)
41.   ............ Maass, David A. (American painter, born 1929)
42.   ............ Maassen, Ellen (Dutch fashion designer, 1958-)
43.   ............ Maass, Enno (German architect, contemporary)
44.   ............ Maassen, Werner (American architect, contemporary)
45.   ............ Maass, Ferdinand (Austrian artist, born 1837)
46.   ............ Maass, Gregory (German installation artist, 1967-)
47.   ............ Maass, Johann Gottfried (German artist, active ca. 1824-1848)
48.   ............ Maasson, Els (Dutch artist, 1967-)
49.   ............ Maass, Roxana (Chilean painter, contemporary)
50.   ............ Maas, Stephen (British sculptor, born 1953)
51.   ............ Maas, Willard (American experimental filmmaker and poet,
 ............ 1906-1971)
52.   ............ Maas, Willem Arnoldus (Dutch architect, born 1897)
53.   ............ Maas, Winy (Dutch architect, born 1959)
54.   ............ Maasz, Harry (German garden designer, 1880-1946)
55.   ............ Maat, Arie (Dutch architect, contemporary)
56.   ............ Maaten, Jacob Jan van der (Dutch painter and printmaker,
 ............ 1820-1879)
57.   ............ Maatman-Oonk, Sandra (Dutch artist, 1971-)
58.   ............ Maatouk, Daniele (French architect, contemporary)
59.   ............ Maatsch, Thilo (German artist, 1900-1983)
60.   ............ Maättä, Mika (Finnish architect, born 1961)
61.   ............ Maawad, David (Mexican photographer, born 1951)
62.   ............ Maayan, Roy (Israeli artist, born 1976)
63.   ............ Mabasa, Noria (South African sculptor, born 1938)
64.   ............ Mabb, Robert (British painter, contemporary)
65.   ............ Mabbutt, Mary (British painter, born 1951)
66.   ............ Mabe, Manabu (Brazilian painter of Japanese birth, 1910-1997)
67.   ............ Maber, Jan de (Dutch painter, active by 1692, died 1702)
68.   ............ Maberry, Phillip (American ceramicist, active 20th century)
69.   ............ Mabey, Charles H. (British sculptor, active 1863-1897)
70.   ............ Mabie, Donald Edward (Canadian painter, graphic designer
 ............ and mail artist born 1947)
71.   ............ Mabillard, Boris (Swiss photojournalist, contemporary)
72.   ............ Mabille, L. (French printmaker, active 19th century)
73.   ............ Mabille, Pierre (French artist, 1904-1952)
74.   ............ Mabon, Robert (British artist, active 1792)
75.   ............ Mabry, Nathan (American sculptor, born 1978)
76.   ............ Mabuchi, Toru (Japanese designer, 1920-1994)
77.   ............ Mabunda, Gonçalo (Mozambican artist, born 1975)
78.   ............ Macadam, Anne (undetermined, American)
79.   ............ MacAdams, Cynthia (American photographer, born 1939)
80.   ............ Macadre, Jacques (French painter, active ca. 1595-1620)
81.   ............ Macagna, Domenica (Italian artist, active 17th-18th centuries)
82.   ............ Macagni, Federigo (Italian painter, active ca, 1690-1715)
83.   ............ Macaigne, Philippe (Luxembourgeois architect, contemporary)
84.   ............ Macala, Ben (South African artist, 1937-)
85.   ............ Macalister, Molly (New Zealand sculptor, 1920-1979)
86.   ............ Macalister, Molly Morrell (New Zealand sculptor, 1920-1979)
87.   ............ MacAllen, Todd (Canadian architect, born 1966)
88.   ............ MacAllister, Jack (American architect, contemporary)
89.   ............ Macallum, Hamilton (British painter, 1841-1896)
90.   ............ Macalpine, Jean (British graphic artist, born 1953)
91.   ............ Macapia, Paul (American photographer, active 20th century)
92.   ............ Macara, Andrew (British painter, born 1944)
93.   ............ Macarie, Dan (British architect and designer, contemporary)
94.   ............ Macari, Emanuele (Italian painter, died 1550)
95.   ............ Macari, Michel (French architect, contemporary)
96.   ............ Macario, Monica (Italian architect, contemporary)
97.   ............ Ma, Caroline (Chinese architect, contemporary)
98.   ............ Macarron, Ricardo (Spanish painter, born 1926)
99.   ............ MacArthur, Blanche F. (British painter, born 1847)
100.   ............ MacArthur, Lindsay G. (British painter, active 1890-1930)
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