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attribution qualifiers (qualifiers (general concept), <historical, theoretical, and critical concepts>, ... Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) |
Note: Words or phrases indicating the certainty with which art or other creative work can be attributed to a known individual creator or group, used when the attribution is uncertain, is in dispute, when there is more than one creator, when there is a former attribution, or when the attribution otherwise requires explanation. For qualifiers that may be more broadly applied, not only for creator attributions, see "information handling functions." |
Terms: |
attribution qualifiers (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,PN)
attribution qualifier (C,U,English,AD,U,SN)
qualifier, attribution (C,U,English,UF,U,U)
toeschrijvingskwalificatie (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)
Facet/Hierarchy Code: B.BM |
Hierarchical Position:

Associated Concepts Facet |

.... Associated Concepts (hierarchy name) (G) |

........ <concepts in the arts and humanities> (G) |

............ <historical, theoretical, and critical concepts> (G) |

................ qualifiers (general concept) (G) |

.................... attribution qualifiers (G) |
Additional Notes: |
Dutch ..... Woorden of zinnen die de zekerheid aangeven waarmee kunst of ander creatief werk kan worden toegeschreven aan een bekende individuele maker of groep, en die worden gebruikt wanneer de toeschrijving onzeker of omstreden is, wanneer er meerdere makers zijn, wanneer er eerder een andere toeschrijving is geweest of wanneer de toeschrijving anderszins uitleg behoeft. |
Related concepts: |
related to .... |
information handling functions |
.................. |
(<functions by general context>, functions (activities), Functions (hierarchy name)) [300075493] |
Sources and Contributors: |