Buildings and Sites
Susan Macdonald, Head
Susan Macdonald, Head

Susan Macdonald RIBA, PIA, joined the GCI in 2008 as head of Field Projects. Susan has a bachelor of science (architecture) and a bachelor of architecture from the University of Sydney, and a master's degree in conservation studies (University of York/ICCROM), and is a certified practicing planner. Susan has worked in the private and public sectors in London, including English Heritage, and immediately prior to the GCI, at the New South Wales Heritage Office in Australia as its Director. Susan has been involved in a wide range of conservation issues from urban planning, development, economics, world heritage, and policy and technical matters and has lectured, authored, and edited various books and articles on these topics. Susan has served on a number of international and national advisory committees and editorial boards, and is a member of DOCOMOMO International Specialist Technical Committee, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (ISC20C) and APTi's Modern Committee.


César Bargues Ballester, Associate Project Specialist
Cesar Bargues Ballester, Associate Project Specialist

César Bargues Ballester holds a Master of Architecture degree from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and a Master of Science in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining the GCI in 2018, he conducted recording, documentation, and investigative studies with a particular focus on modern architecture in both private practice and in academia, as a research associate at the University of Pennsylvania. At the GCI, he is involved in conservation projects within the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative, including treatment research, publications, and workshops, with a particular focus on conservation planning for twentieth-century heritage. Current GCI project: Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.


Claudia Cancino, Senior Project Specialist
Claudia Cancino, Senior Project Specialist

Claudia Cancino manages the Earthen Architecture Initiative. She graduated in architecture and urban planning from Universidad Ricardo Palma in Lima, Peru, and earned a certificate in conservation at ICCROM in 1995, followed by training in business administration at ESAN in Lima. She practiced preservation architecture and was on the faculty at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas in Lima (1996–99), teaching restoration of monuments and earthen building techniques. She earned a master of science in historic preservation (2001) and an advanced certificate in conservation (2002) from the University of Pennsylvania. Current GCI projects: Conservation and Rehabilitation Plan for the Kasbah of Taourirt, Earthen Architecture Initiative, and Seismic Retrofitting Project.


Rita Cofield, Associate Project Specialist
Rita Cofield, Associate Project Specialist

Rita Cofield joined the Conservation Institute in 2022 to lead the Los Angeles African American Historic Places project. She holds an undergraduate degree in Architecture and Planning from Howard University and a Master of Heritage Conservation degree from the University of Southern California. She is a cultural resource manager and public historian and has stage managed theatrical productions throughout the United States. She currently serves on the board of Howard University’s Southern California Alumni Chapter and is a member of the California Preservation Foundation’s Board of Trustees.  She was the inaugural executive director of the Los Angeles-based advocacy organization Friends At Mafundi. Current GCI project: African American Historic Places Los Angeles


Leslie Friedman, Project Specialist
Leslie Friedman, Project Specialist

Leslie Friedman has been with the GCI since 2009 and specializes in the conservation and management of archaeological sites. In addition to graduate studies in Archaeology, she holds a BA in Anthropology and a MSc in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania where she focused on the conservation of architectural materials. She currently serves on the committee for the Archaeological Materials and Sites Working Group of ICOM-CC and is an expert member of ICOMOS-ICAHM (International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management). Previously she was Chair of the Architectural Specialty Group of the American Institute for Conservation. Current GCI projects: MOSAIKON Initiative, Mosaics at Archaeological Sites: Training for Site Managers, and Shelters for Archaeological Sites with Mosaics, and Nea Paphos Conservation and Management Project.


Ana Paula Arato Gonçalves, Associate Project Specialist
Ana Paula Arato Gonçalves, GCI Professional Fellow

Ana Paula Arato Gonçalves joined the GCI in 2017. She was a Professional Fellow from 2017 to 2020 and is currently a Research Associate. She has a bachelor's degree in Architecture from the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Sao Paulo and earned an MS in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania. Following the completion of her master's degree, she was a 2011–12 graduate intern at the GCI. Returning to Brazil in 2012, she worked as an architect in private practice and for public institutions engaged in the conservation of modern buildings with a focus on the conservation of modern concrete. Current GCI project: Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.


Elsa Haarstad, Assistant Project Specialist
Sara Iwahashi, Supervisor
Ana Paula Arato Gonçalves, GCI Professional Fellow

Sara Iwahashi, joined the GCI in 2022. She graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Arts degree in World Arts and Cultures. Prior to the GCI, Sara was the Public Information Supervisor at a Los Angeles County nonprofit organization for many years. She also worked as the Registrar and Community Relations and Publications Manager with the Japanese American National Museum. Current GCI project: MOSAIKON.


Jisoo Kim, Senior Project Coordinator
Sara Lardinois, Senior Project Specialist
Sara Lardinois, Senior Project Specialist

Sara Lardinois holds an architecture degree from the University of Notre Dame and received additional training at ICCROM. She is a registered architect in the state of California and a LEED-accredited professional, as well as an expert member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture (ISCEAH). Prior to joining the GCI in 2010, she worked at a firm specializing in the conservation of built heritage in the western United States, with much of her work located in US National Parks. She has also consulted on conservation projects in Turkey, Egypt, and Yemen. Current GCI projects: African American Historic Places Los Angeles, Conservation and Management of the Tomb of Tutankhamen, Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative, Shelters for Archaeological Sites with Mosaics, and Valley of the Queens.


Cheryl Lederman, Senior Staff Assistant
Elena Macchioni, Project Specialist
Elena Macchioni, Project Specialist

Elena Macchioni is an Italian-qualified architect with a PhD in Preservation of Architectural Heritage from Politecnico di Milano. She also holds a Master's degree in Architecture from the Università degli Studi di Parma and a Specialization Diploma in the Conservation of Architectural and Landscape Heritage from Università degli Studi di Genova. After working as a conservation architect in private practice in Italy for six years, she was a GCI graduate intern with the Earthen Architecture Initiative in 2013–14. She then worked for the Great Pompeii Project, contributing to the condition assessment of one area of the archaeological site, and further collaborated with the GCI as a consultant. Current GCI projects: Seismic Retrofitting Project and Bagan Conservation Project.


Benjamin Marcus, Project Specialist
Benjamin Marcus, Project Specialist

Benjamin Marcus is a conservator working on training in stone conservation and the conservation of earthen architecture in Morocco. Prior to joining the GCI, he was a building conservator with the government of Abu Dhabi working on the conservation of stone and earthen vernacular buildings and archaeological sites. He holds an MSc in historic preservation from Columbia University. He is an expert member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH). Current GCI projects: Conservation and Rehabilitation Plan for the Kasbah of Taourirt, Earthen Architecture Initiative, and the International Course on Stone Conservation.


Tom McClintock, Associate Project Specialist
Tom McClintock, Associate Project Specialist

Tom McClintock is a conservator with a background in the treatment of studio arts and advanced documentation techniques for archaeological research and conservation. Tom holds an MA in Conservation from UCLA. Recent experience includes private conservation of studio arts, rock art field work in Australia's Northern Territory, and archaeological conservation and documentation in Cambodia. Current GCI projects: research for a forthcoming publication on rock art conservation and management and administration of the Rock Art Network.


Chandler McCoy, Senior Project Specialist
Chandler McCoy, Senior Project Specialist

Chandler McCoy has a master of architecture degree from Columbia University and a bachelor of architecture degree from the University of Virginia and received additional architectural conservation training at ICCROM. He is a registered architect in the state of New York and a LEED-accredited professional. He is a founding member of the Northern California chapter of Docomomo-US and a member of APT, the California Preservation Foundation, and past president of the San Francisco Heritage Board of Directors. Prior to joining the GCI in 2015, he was Associate Director for Planning and Design for the Presidio Trust in San Francisco, and prior to that, worked as a Historical Architect for the National Park Service in New York City. Current GCI project: Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.


Ryan McKeithan, Senior Project Coordinator
David Myers, Senior Project Specialist
David Myers, Senior Project Specialist

David Myers has worked at the Institute since 2001 and currently manages its Recording and Documentation Unit. He holds an MS in historic preservation and an advanced certificate in architectural conservation and site management from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of ICOMOS, CIPA, and the APT Documentation Technical Committee. He previously served as a legislative assistant to a member of the US House of Representatives. Current GCI projects: Arches Project, Heritage Values, Stakeholders and Consensus Building, Southern African Rock Art Project, and Valley of the Queens.


Gail Ostergren, Research Specialist
Gail Ostergren, Research Specialist

Gail Ostergren joined the GCI in 2002. Focused on publication and dissemination of Building and Sites' work, she does research, writing, and editing for a number of projects. She earned her PhD in history at University of California Los Angeles, specializing in urban, architectural, and Southern California history. Gail serves on the City of West Hollywood’s Historic Preservation Commission and the City of Los Angeles’s Miracle Mile Historic Preservation Overlay Zone Board. She is a founding board member of the Docomomo US/SoCal chapter and is currently on the organizing committee for the 2026 Docomomo International conference. She has also served on planning committees for eight annual California Preservation Conferences.


Margherita Pedroni, Project Specialist
Margherita Pedroni,  Project Specialist

Margherita Pedroni, is an Italian-qualified architect with both a bachelor's and master's degree in Architecture from the Politecnico di Milano and a Specialization Diploma in Built Heritage and Landscape Conservation from the University of Genova. Prior to joining the GCI, Margherita worked as a Heritage Conservation Specialist in private practices in Italy and in Singapore, and as a Program Officer for the Italian Development Cooperation Agency in Myanmar managing heritage conservation and sustainable tourism programs. She also worked at the Politecnico di Milano both as a teaching and researcher assistant on the conservation of twentieth-century heritage. Current GCI project: Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.


Leslie Rainer, Senior Project Specialist
Leslie Rainer, Senior Project Specialist

Leslie Rainer is a wall paintings conservator carrying out a variety of projects addressing decorated architectural surfaces. She has worked on projects in Africa, Europe, China, Central and South America, and Los Angeles. Leslie received a master's degree in the conservation of decorated architectural surfaces from Antioch University and a certificate in mural paintings conservation from ICCROM. She was awarded the Rome Prize in Historic Preservation and Conservation from the American Academy in Rome. She is a member of AIC, IIC, ICOM-CC, and WAAC. She has organized symposia with the GCI and served as volume editor for their proceedings. Current GCI projects: Conservation of América Tropical, Herculaneum Project, Earthen Architecture Initiative, Injection Grouts for the Conservation of Architectural Surfaces, and Seismic Retrofitting Project.


Thomas Roby, Senior Project Specialist
Thomas Roby, Senior Project Specialist

Thomas Roby is an architectural conservator with master's degrees from the University of Virginia and University of York, England and participated in the UNESCO/ICCROM Stone Conservation Course. He worked in private practice based in Rome for fifteen years before joining the GCI in 2001, specializing in the conservation of archaeological sites and mosaics in the Mediterranean region. He is a Professional Associate of the AIC, and member of the IIC and US/ICOMOS. Current GCI projects: MOSAIKON Initiative,Mosaic Conservation Technician Training, Mosaics at Archaeological Sites: Training for Site Managers, Nea Paphos Conservation and Management Project, and Herculaneum: Conservation of the Tablinum of the House of the Bicentenary.


José Ruano, Project Coordinator
Micaela Shea, Senior Project Coordinator
Micaela Shea, Senior Project Coordinator

Micaela Shea graduated from Claremont's Pitzer College and majored in organizational studies. She earned her master's degree in organizational management from Antioch University in Santa Barbara, California. Before joining the GCI, she worked as a senior office specialist for the City of Santa Barbara, and an executive assistant in business management/accounting. She has been with the Getty Conservation Institute since 2005. Current GCI projects: Nea Paphos Conservation and Management Project, Tomb of Nefertari Conservation and Management, China Principles and the Recording and Digital Unit.


Nichole Valliere, Senior Project Coordinator