Stavroula Golfomitsou, Head
Stavroula Golfomitsou

Stavroula Golfomitsou (PhD, BA,FIIC) joined the GCI in 2022 and is responsible for the Institute's work in movable heritage and collections, strengthening existing initiatives, forging new partnerships, and developing future projects and areas of work. She earned her PhD in Conservation of Metals from the University of London and her undergraduate degree in Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art from the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. Most recently, she was a senior lecturer in conservation and coordinator of the undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in the Department of Conservation of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Prior to that she a lecturer and coordinator of the MSc in Conservation Studies at UCL Qatar. She was a member of the IIC Council until 2020.

She sits on the editorial board of Studies in ConservationJournal of Conservation and Museum Studies, and Metalla, and is on the scientific committee of the ICOM-CC Metals working group.


Stéphanie Auffret, Senior Project Specialist
Stéphanie Auffret, Senior Project Specalist

Stéphanie Auffret received both a PhD and an MA in Art History from the University of Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV and an MA in Art Conservation from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her PhD focused on The Authenticity of French Furniture: Interpretation, Evaluation and Preservation. Prior to the GCI, she worked as a furniture conservator at the Winterthur Museum (as conservator and assistant professor in the Winterthur-University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation), Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Historic New England, as well as at private conservation studios in France. She is Coordinator of the ICOM-CC "Wood, Furniture, and Lacquer" Working Group. Current GCI Project: Cleaning of Wooden Gilded Surfaces, Recent Advances in Characterizing Asian Lacquer and Cleaning of Acrylic Painted Surfaces.


Rita Cavalcante, Professional Fellow

Rita Cavalcante received an MA in Information Science and BS in Art Conservation from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. She also holds a specialization in Cosmetic Product Development and a BA in Chemistry from Faculty of Sao Bernardo, in Sao Paulo state. Her master's work involved study of an eighteenth-century varnish treatise focused on material circulation and transmission of knowledge. She was awarded a research grant from UFMG for study of ceiling paintings made during the eighteenth century in the Campo das Vertentes region in Minas Gerais. Prior to joining the GCI, she worked as a painting and polychromed wooden sculpture conservator in private practice and for public and private institutions. Before becoming a conservator, she worked as a researcher for cosmetic companies. Current GCI project: Cleaning of Wooden Gilded Surfaces.


Naomi Mayo, Senior Department Coordiantor

Naomi Mayo is the Senior Department Coordinator for the Collections department. She has been at the Conservation Institute since November 2022 assisting Stavroula Golfomitsou, Head of Collections, as well as supporting various projects within the department.


Ellen Moody, Project Specialist

Ellen Moody develops educational programs and resources for conservation professionals working on modern and contemporary art. Before joining the GCI in 2020, she worked at the Museum of Modern Art in New York as an objects conservator. She completed graduate internships at the Brooklyn Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Kröller-Müller Museum, and the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE). She holds an MS from the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, and a BA in Art History from Pomona College. Current GCI project: Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.


Flavia Perugini, Senior Project Specialist

Flavia Perugini has a bachelor of science in Conservation and Restoration with a specialization in decorative surfaces from the Guildhall University of London and a master in architecture from the University of Florence. Flavia has worked in private laboratories as well as in institutions such as the Wallace Collection and Tate in London, Historic New England, Historic Mount Vernon, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston as a conservator of contemporary art, time-based media art, performances, and installations. She is a member of ICOM and INCCA, and a Fellow member of AIC and IIC. Current GCI project: Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.


Katelyn Ramirez, Senior Project Coordinator

Katelyn Ramirez received her BA in History from California Polytechnic State University, Pomona. Upon completing her degree, Katelyn was a Getty Marrow Undergraduate Intern at the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach, California. As a Getty Marrow Intern in the Collections department at MOLAA, Katelyn worked on the Getty-funded Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA exhibition, Relational Undercurrents: Contemporary Art of the Caribbean Archipelago. Currently, Katelyn is pursuing her MS in Library and Information Science at San Jose State University and will graduate in Fall 2025.


Cecilia Winter, Senior Project Specialist

Cecilia Winter holds degrees in History and Museum Studies from the University of São Paulo in Brazil and a master’s in Painting Conservation from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She has worked as a registrar and a conservator in Brazil and France since 2004, focusing on preventive conservation and collection care, documentation, exhibitions, and loans. Before joining the GCI in 2022, she was the head of the Collection and Conservation department at the Museum of Art of São Paulo and a preventive conservation teacher in the Collection Management MBA at Associação Brasileira de Gestão de Cultural and University Cândido e Mendes. Current GCI project: Managing Collection Environments Initiative
