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ID: 7024416
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Record Type: administrative
Hierarchy of Dobruja (historical region)  Dobruja (historical region)

Lat: 44 00 00 N  degrees minutes   Lat: 44.0000  decimal degrees
Long: 028 00 00 E  degrees minutes   Long: 28.0000  decimal degrees

Note: Located between the lower Danube river and the Black Sea; it was part of Roman Moesia and later part of the Byzantine Empire; went to medieval empire of Bulgaria and then to the Ottomans; it was split between Romania and Bulgaria in 1913 after the second Balkan War.

Dobruja (preferred,C,V)
Dobrudja (C,V)
Dobritch (C,V)
Dobrudzha (C,V)
Dobrudscha (C,V)
Dobrogea (H,V)  ............ ancient name
Scythia Minor (H,O)  ............ Roman name for the area
Petite Scythie (H,O)

Hierarchical Position:
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of Europe (continent)  ....  Europe (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of Dobruja (historical region)  ........  Dobruja (historical region) (P)

Additional Parents:
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of Europe (continent)  ....  Europe (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of Romania (nation)  ........  Romania (nation) (P)
Hierarchy of Dobruja (historical region)  ............  Dobruja (historical region)
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of Europe (continent)  ....  Europe (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of Bulgaria (nation)  ........  Bulgaria (nation) (P)
Hierarchy of Dobruja (historical region)  ............  Dobruja (historical region) (P)

Place Types:
historical region (preferred, C)

Sources and Contributors:
Dobritch..........  [VP]
.................  NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2008-) accessed 5 December 2015
Dobrogea..........  [VP]
.................  Canby, Historic Places (1984) I, 246
.................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988) 336
Dobrudja..........  [VP]
.................  NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2008-) accessed 5 December 2015
.................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988) 336
Dobrudscha..........  [VP]
.......................  NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2008-) accessed 5 December 2015
Dobrudzha..........  [VP]
....................  Encyclopedia Britannica Online (1994-2002) accessed 09/08/99
....................  NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2008-) accessed 5 December 2015
Dobruja..........  [VP Preferred]
.................  NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2008-) accessed 5 December 2015
.................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988) 336
Petite Scythie..........  [BHA]
.............................  BHA, Authority file (1973-)
Scythia Minor..........  [BHA, VP]
..........................  Columbia Encyclopedia (1975)
..........................  Encyclopedia Britannica Online (1994-2002) accessed 09/08/99
..........................  Meer, Frühchristlichen Welt (1959) maps 10, 19, 35
Subject: .....  [BHA, VP]
..................  BHA, Authority file (1973-)
..................  Canby, Historic Places (1984) 1; 246; I, 246
..................  Columbia Encyclopedia (1975)
..................  Encyclopedia Britannica Online (1994-2002) accessed 8 September 1999; accessed 09/08/99
..................  Meer, Frühchristlichen Welt (1959) maps 10, 19, 35
..................  NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2008-) accessed 15 December 2015
..................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988) 336
English .......... [VP]


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