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Objects Facet
Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
Tools and Equipment (hierarchy name)
<equipment by context>
cuvettes (labware)
retort holders
<temporary alphabetical list: labware>
absorption bulbs
absorption pipettes
alcohol burners
aspirator bottles
barometer tubes
beaker tongs
berzelius beakers
boiling flasks
boiling tubes
burette brushes
burner rings
burner spiders
capillary tubes
centrifuge bottles
centrifuge tubes
chemical centrifuges
clinical centrifuges
combustion tubes
connecting bulbs
culture dishes
culture flasks
dissolving dishes
distilling flasks
draught pipes
erlenmeyer flasks
evaporating dishes
filter funnels
filtering flasks
flask tongs
flushing basins
gas washing bottles
geissler burettes
glassware washers
griffen beaker
heating frames
hosecock clamps
laboratory basins
laboratory bottles
laboratory brushes
laboratory bulbs
laboratory burners
laboratory centrifuges
laboratory clamps
laboratory containers
laboratory crucibles
laboratory dishes
laboratory dispensers
laboratory dyes
laboratory extractors
laboratory filters
laboratory flasks
laboratory funnels
laboratory mortars
laboratory percolators
laboratory pestles
laboratory racks
laboratory separators
laboratory shakers
laboratory stands
laboratory stirrers
laboratory stoppers
laboratory tongs
laboratory tripods
laboratory tubes
laboratory tubing
mercury tongs
mohr burettes
petri dishes
phillips beakers
pipette brushes
pipette shakers
reagent bottles
rinsing basins
stopcock burettes
stopcock clamps
suspension clamps
titration burettes
tubing adapters
volumetric pipette
wash bottles
watch glasses
water bath shakers
test tube rack
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