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Semantic View (JSONRDFN3/TurtleN-Triples)

ID: 300022361
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Record Type: concept
block and tackle (hoists, hoisting machinery, ... Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name))


Note: Mechanisms or apparatus as ropes and pulley blocks; used for hoisting, lowering, and shifting objects or materials.
block and tackle (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,PN)
tackle (C,U,English,UF,U,N)
tackles (C,U,English,UF,U,N)
takelblokken en takels (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)
takelblok en takel (C,U,Dutch,AD,U,U)
palan à moufles (C,U,French-P,AD,U,MSN)
Flaschenzüge (C,U,German,D,PN)
Flaschenzug (C,U,German-P,AD,SN)
aparejos (C,U,Spanish-P,D,U,PN)
aparejo (C,U,Spanish,AD,U,SN)

Facet/Hierarchy Code:  V.TH

Hierarchical Position:

Hierarchy of Objects Facet
Objects Facet
Hierarchy of Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
.... Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of Tools and Equipment (hierarchy name)
........ Tools and Equipment (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of equipment
............ equipment (G)
Hierarchy of <equipment by process>
................ <equipment by process> (G)
Hierarchy of construction equipment
.................... construction equipment (G)
Hierarchy of transferring construction equipment
........................ transferring construction equipment (G)
Hierarchy of hoisting machinery
............................ hoisting machinery (G)
Hierarchy of hoists
................................ hoists (G)
Hierarchy of block and tackle
.................................... block and tackle (G)

Additional Notes:
Dutch ..... Toestellen of apparaten zoals kabels en katrollen. Worden gebruikt voor het hijsen, neerlaten en verplaatsen van objecten en materialen. 
German ..... Vorrichtung oder Gerät aus Seilen und Rollen; wird zum Heben, Absenken und Verschieben von Gegenständen oder Materialien verwendet. 
Spanish ..... Mecanismo o aparato como cuerdas y bloques de polea. Se utiliza para elevar, bajar y desplazar objetos o materiales. 

Related concepts:
provide context ....  shoulder blocks
............................  (pulley blocks, <moving and transporting machinery>, ... Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)) [300411390]

Sources and Contributors:
aparejo............  [CDBP-SNPC Preferred, VP]
.................  Diccionario de términos científicos y técnicos (1981) 5:2236
aparejos............  [VP]
.................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
block and tackle............  [AASLH Preferred, CHIN / RCIP Preferred, VP Preferred]
.............................  AASLH data (2016-)
.............................  CHIN / RCIP translation (2016-)
.............................  Harris, Dictionary of Architecture and Construction (1975) illustration
.............................  Nomenclature database (2018-); scheme: Nomenclature-Objects
.............................  Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage translation project (2016-) 9163
.............................  Parks Canada Descriptive Dictionary of Objects / Dictionnaire descriptif d’objets (c 1996)
.............................  Putnam and Carlson, Architectural and Building Trades Dictionary (1974)
.............................  Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1987)
.............................  RIBA, Architectural Keywords (1982)
.............................  Smit, Means Illustrated Construction Dictionary (1985)
.............................  Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961)
Flaschenzug............  [IfM-SMB-PK Preferred]
.......................  Duden [online] (2011-)
.......................  GND - Gemeinsame Normdatei
.......................  OBG - Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern, Oberbegriffsdatei (2012) IRI: fg000167 |
.......................  Wortschatz Universität Leipzig [online] (1998 -) "Flaschenzug", accessed 28 January 2014
Flaschenzüge............  [IfM-SMB-PK]
.......................  Duden [online] (2011-)
palan à moufles............  [AASLH, CHIN / RCIP]
.............................  AASLH data (2016-)
.............................  CHIN / RCIP translation (2016-)
.............................  Nomenclature database (2018-); scheme: Nomenclature-Objects
.............................  Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage translation project (2016-) 9163
.............................  Parks Canada Descriptive Dictionary of Objects / Dictionnaire descriptif d’objets (c 1996)
tackle............  [VP]
.................  Chenhall, Revised Nomenclature (1988)
tackles............  [VP]
.................  Harris, Dictionary of Architecture and Construction (1975)
.................  Putnam and Carlson, Architectural and Building Trades Dictionary (1974)
.................  Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1987)
.................  Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961)
takelblok en takel............  [RKD, AAT-Ned]
...................................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
...................................  Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
takelblokken en takels............  [RKD, AAT-Ned Preferred]
.........................................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
.........................................  Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
Subject: .....  [AASLH, CDBP-SNPC, CHIN / RCIP, IfM-SMB-PK, RKD, AAT-Ned, VP]
............  AASLH data (2016-)
............  Chenhall, Revised Nomenclature (1988) hoist
............  CHIN / RCIP translation (2016-)
............  Nomenclature database (2018-); scheme: Nomenclature-Objects
............  Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage translation project (2016-)
............  Parks Canada Descriptive Dictionary of Objects / Dictionnaire descriptif d’objets (c 1996)
............  RIBA, Architectural Keywords (1982) Pulleys
............  Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
English .......... [VP]
.......... Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1987)
Dutch .......... [RKD, AAT-Ned]
.......... AAT-Ned (1994-)
.......... Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
German .......... [IfM-SMB-PK]
.......... IfM Berlin
Spanish .......... [CDBP-SNPC]
.......... TAA database (2000-)


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