Overview of the Library Research Grantee Program

Scholars of any level, whose place of residence is at least eighty miles from the Getty Center, invited to the Getty to access specific collections housed in the Getty Research Institute Library.


Information about your grant and how it is paid.
Click here to learn more.

Health Care

Information regarding health care benefits for Americans and Exchange Visitor Visa holders.
Click here to learn more.


Information on finding housing and other options in Los Angeles. Click
here to learn more.


Library Research Grant Recipients are responsible for making their own travel arrangements for both their Los Angeles arrival and departure. Information regarding traveling to the Getty, educational travel and your information packet.
Click here to learn more.

When You Arrive

Information regarding badging and Library Access at the Getty Center.
Click here to learn more.

Must Read Links

Click here to learn more.


For U.S. Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents, please click here.

For B visa and ESTA holders, please click here, and scroll down to the Taxes section.


If you are not a U.S. Citizen or a Legal Permanent Resident, please click here for visa information.

Invited Professionals

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