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ID: 700008911
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Record Type: Built Work
Images: 1 2
Mogao Cave 320 (rock-cut temple; unknown Chinese; 8th century)
Note: Dates to 8th century; central figure is an enthroned Buddha surrounded by attendant Bodhisattvas.
Mogao Cave 320 (preferred,C,U,English-P,U,U)
莫高窟320 (C,U,undetermined,U,U)
Catalog Level: object grouping
Work Types:
rock-cut temple [300007623] (preferred)
..... (Objects Facet, Built Environment (hierarchy name), Single Built Works (hierarchy name), single built works (built environment), <single built works by specific type>, <single built works by function>, ceremonial structures, religious structures, religious buildings, temples (buildings), <temples by form>)
assemblage (archaeological artifacts) [300256847]
..... (Objects Facet, Object Groupings and Systems (hierarchy name), object groupings, <object groupings by general context>)

architecture (preferred)

Creation Date: 8th century

Creator Display:
unknown Chinese [preferred]
unknown Chinese (Chinese cultural designation) [500125222]
Qianfodong [7029798] Gansu province (province), China (nation), Asia (continent), World (facet) (Geographic)
Display Materials: rock cut, mural painting
rock-cut (construction technique) [300404381]
.......(Activities Facet, Processes and Techniques (hierarchy name), <processes and techniques by specific type>, <additive and joining processes and techniques>, assembling (additive and joining process), construction (assembling), <construction technique by form or materials>)
mural painting (image-making) [300178677]
.......(Activities Facet, Processes and Techniques (hierarchy name), <processes and techniques by specific type>, <image-making processes and techniques>, <painting and painting techniques>, painting (image-making))

Dimensions: N/A
Tang (preferred)

General Subject:
religion and mythology (preferred)
interior architecture (isness)

Related Works:
formerly was location for .... Bust of a Bodhisattva Surrounded by a Monk and Devas (from the south wall of Mogao Cave 320, Dunhuang, Gansu province) [700008987]
..........mural painting (visual work); unknown Tang dynasty [618-907]; early 8th century; Harvard Museums (Cambridge, Middlesex county, Massachusetts,...; 1924.44

List/Hierarchical Position:
..... Built Works
.......... Built Works by class: religious, ceremonial, and funerary structures
............... Mogao Caves
Sources and Contributors:
Mogao Cave 320........ [VP]
........ Getty Research Institute, Cave Temples of Dunhuang (2016)
........ Agnew, Reed, Ball, Cave Temples of Dunhuang (2016)
........ Dunhuang Research Academy, Mogao Grottoes (2000-)
莫高窟320........ [VP]
........ Dunhuang Research Academy, Mogao Grottoes (2000-)
Subject: ....... [VP]
English ..... [VP]
..... Dunhuang Research Academy, Mogao Grottoes (2000-)
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