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ID: 700002927
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Record Type: Built Work
Images: 1
Hall of the Sea of Wisdom, the (temple (building); unknown Chinese architect, under Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799...; 1750)
Note: A temple built on the pinnacle of Longevity Hill, The Hall of the Sea of Wisdom was built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799), and was also known as "No Beam Hall" due to its lack of interior timber structure. It survived the fire set by the Anglo-French allied force in 1860. Its exterior is covered in green and yellow tile and Buddha reliefs, many of which have been vandalized.
Hall of the Sea of Wisdom, the (preferred,C,U,English-P,U,U)
The Hall of the Sea of Wisdom (C,U,undetermined,U,U)
Hall of the Sea of Wisdom (C,U,undetermined,U,U)
Temple of the Sea of Wisdom (C,U,undetermined,U,U)
Great Imperial Porcelain Palace (C,U,undetermined,U,U)
Catalog Level: item
Work Types:
temple (building) [300007595] (preferred)
..... (Objects Facet, Built Environment (hierarchy name), Single Built Works (hierarchy name), single built works (built environment), <single built works by specific type>, <single built works by function>, ceremonial structures, religious structures, religious buildings)

architecture (preferred)

Creation Date: 1750

Creator Display:
unknown Chinese architect, under Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799) [preferred,VP]
architect unknown Chinese (Chinese cultural designation) [500125222]
patron Qianlong, Emperor of China (Chinese emperor, 1711-1799) [500372572]
Beijing [7001758] Beijing Shi (municipality), China (nation), Asia (continent), World (facet) (Geographic)
Display Materials: unavailable
Dimensions: unavailable
destruction: 1860

General Subject:
architecture (preferred,isness)

List/Hierarchical Position:
..... Built Works
.......... Built Works by class: religious, ceremonial, and funerary structures
Sources and Contributors:
Hall of the Sea of Wisdom, the........ [VP]
........ Gordon, Moon Spotlight Beijing (2012)
The Hall of the Sea of Wisdom........ [VP]
........ Gordon, Moon Spotlight Beijing (2012)
Hall of the Sea of Wisdom........ [VP]
........ Gordon, Moon Spotlight Beijing (2012)
Temple of the Sea of Wisdom........ [VP]
........ Neville-Hadley, Peter. Beijing and Shanghai. (2011)
Great Imperial Porcelain Palace........ [JPGM,VP]
........ J. Paul Getty Museum, collections online (2000-)
Subject: ....... [JPGM,VP]
English ..... [VP]
..... Neville-Hadley, Peter. Beijing and Shanghai. (2011)
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