This delightful picture book from beloved children's book author Leo Politi, originally published in 1971, tells the story of Emmet, one of the many stray dogs taken in by old Mr. Winkelamong them, Poupee, Oscar, and Puff. Emmet was always the troublemaker of the lot, escaping from Mr. Winkel's yard to chase the neighborhood cats and snatch toys from small children. He even refused to obey the grocer's sign that clearly said, "No dogs allowed"! Tired of putting up with Emmet's energetic pranks, Mr. Winkel's neighbors are ready to call the dogcatcher when the rascally dog saves the grocer's shop from a fire set by a prowler.
As in all Leo Politi's books, Emmet's adventures are richly illustrated and humorously toldand as Emmet frolics across the pages, every reader, young or old, can recall their own pesky neighborhood dogsand even the ones in their own backyard.
Leo Politi wrote and illustrated dozens of children's books, many of which are set in the Latino communities of Southern California. He won the Caldecott Medal for his book Song of the Swallows, first published in 1948.
Price: $16.95
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