• Have student sign-up sheets in class for the week prior to the visit. This will give you an idea of how many students (and guests, when possible) are planning to go on this trip. Make sure to let the contact person at the Getty Center know three to five days in advance the number of people planning to attend so that proper bus arrangements can be made.

• Review "trip reminders" (see list below) a day or two before the trip.

• Make sure everyone knows the pick-up time and location prior to the day of the trip.

• Have students complete the pre-visit activity, Getting to Know the J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center (RTF - 49KB)

• Have students sign their name on a sign-in sheet as they enter the bus. A clipboard is helpful.

• Make sure students memorize the bus number and that they know the bus will park on Parking level 1 (P1).

• When exiting the bus, students should take the elevator or stairs to the Tram Level (T1). They will take the tram to the top of the hill and wait for their teacher and class at the Arrival Plaza, near the row of trees in the center of the plaza.

•If anyone gets lost, they should go to the Information Desk in the Museum Entrance Hall.

•Give a specific departure time. Make sure everyone knows to meet at the Arrival Plaza on the top of the hill at that time.

•Allow twenty to thirty minutes to take the tram to the bottom of the hill and to get back to the bus on Parking Level 1 (P1).

•Remind students that if they miss the bus, they will have to find their own way home (taxi or public bus).

•As students enter the bus before departure, check their name off the list you made when they got on the bus back at school.

• Wear comfortable clothing, especially shoes.

• Bring a jacket or sweater—it can get windy and cold at the Getty Center.

• You may bring a camera or video camera on the trip, but flash photography is not allowed in the galleries.

• You may bring food. However, you will be asked to keep it in a bag at the coat check desk in the Entrance Hall.

• Picnic areas, a cafeteria, snack bars, and a restaurant are all available.

• Please make sure to stay 12 inches or more from all art objects in the galleries.