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578 results
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401.   ............ Graw, Isabelle (German art critic, born 1962)
402.   ............ Gray, Basil (English archaeologist, art historian, and
 ............ curator, 1904-1989)
403.   ............ Gray, Christopher (American architectural historian,
 ............ contemporary)
404.   ............ Gray, Gordon (American chairman, 1909-1982)
405.   ............ Gray, James, 2nd Baronet (British diplomat and antiquary,
 ............ ca. 1708-1773)
406.   ............ Gray, Sharon R. (American curator, born 1947)
407.   ............ Gray, Sir William (British patron, 1928-2000)
408.   ............ Gray, Thomas (British author, 1716-1771)
409.   ............ Gray, William, Bishop of Ely (British ecclesiastic, patron,
 ............ 1416-1478)
410.   ............ Graziani, Girolamo (Italian noble and poet, 1604-1675)
411.   ............ Greathed, William Wilberforce Harris (English military
 ............ officer, 1826–1878, active in India)
412.   ............ Greeley, Horace (American author, 1811-1872)
413.   ............ Greenberg, Clement (American art critic, 1909-1994)
414.   ............ Greenberg, Donald P. (American professor, born 1934)
415.   ............ Greenberg, Robert M. (American art collector, born 1947)
416.   ............ Greene, Belle da Costa (American librarian, 1883-1950)
417.   ............ Greene, Graham (English novelist, 1904-1991)
418.   ............ Greene, Vivian (collector, born 1904)
419.   ............ Green, Francis William (British preservationist, 1861-1954)
420.   ............ Green, Herbert (American businessman, born 1931)
421.   ............ Green, Sam (American curator, art dealer, and preservationist,
 ............ 1940-2011)
422.   ............ Greenwood, Nigel (British art historian, dealer, and
 ............ collector, contemporary)
423.   ............ Greer, Germaine (American writer, born 1939)
424.   ............ Grégoire, Henri (French priest and revolutionary, 1750-1831)
425.   ............ Gregory, Bishop of Tours (Gallo-Roman saint, bishop,
 ............ and writer, 538-594)
426.   ............ Gregory, Eric (English patron, 1887-1959)
427.   ............ Gregory, George de Ligne (British noble and politician,
 ............ died 1822)
428.   ............ Gregory III, Pope (Syrian pope, saint, died 741)
429.   ............ Gregory II, Pope (Roman pope, saint, 669-731)
430.   ............ Gregory I, Pope (Roman pope, saint, ca. 540-604)
431.   ............ Gregory IV, Pope (Roman pope, ca. 795-844)
432.   ............ Gregory IX, Pope (Italian pope, ca. 1145/1170-1241)
433.   ............ Gregory VIII, Pope (Italian pope, ca. 1110-1187)
434.   ............ Gregory VI, Pope (Roman pope, died 1047)
435.   ............ Gregory XIII, Pope (Italian pope, patron, 1502-1585)
436.   ............ Gregory XI, Pope (French pope, 1329-1378)
437.   ............ Gregory XIV, Pope (Italian pope, 1535-1591)
438.   ............ Gregory X, Pope (Italian pope, ca.1210-1276)
439.   ............ Gregory XVI, Pope (Italian pope,1765-1846)
440.   ............ Gregory XV, Pope (Italian pope, 1554-1623)
441.   ............ Greg, Samuel (British industrialist, 1758-1834)
442.   ............ Greiffenklau, Karl Philipp von, Prince-Bishop (German
 ............ prince-bishop, 1690-1754)
443.   ............ Greig, Jane (Australian public health advocate, 1872-1939)
444.   ............ Grenier, Jean (Burgundian tapestry merchant, died 1520)
445.   ............ Grenier, Pasquier (Burgundian tapestry merchant, died
 ............ 1493)
446.   ............ Gresham, Sir Thomas (English diplomat, 1519-1579)
447.   ............ Grey, Anne Florence de (British aristocrat, 1806-1880)
448.   ............ Grey, Jane (English queen, 1537-1554)
449.   ............ Greyn, Clinton (British preservationist, born 1939)
450.   ............ Grey, Thomas (British poet, 1716-1771)
451.   ............ Grier, David Alan (American comic and subject of video
 ............ performances, born 1955)
452.   ............ Griesbeck von Griesbach, Florian (Austrian diplomat,
 ............ 1509-1588)
453.   ............ Griffin, David J. (Irish architectural historian, contemporary)
454.   ............ Griffith, Jane Rebecca (American, subject of portrait,
 ............ 1816-1848)
455.   ............ Griffith, Maxine (American executive, contemporary)
456.   ............ Griffiths, Colin (Canadian guitarist, contemporary)
457.   ............ Griffoni, Floriano di Floriano (Italian patron, active
 ............ 1457-1483)
458.   ............ Grignon, Pierre Clément (French archaeologist and metalurgist,
 ............ 1723-1784)
459.   ............ Grimani, Marino (Italian doge and patron, died 1605)
460.   ............ Grimani, Morosina (Venetian dogaressa, died 1613)
461.   ............ Grimani, Zanetta (Italian patron, born ca. 1450)
462.   ............ Grimani, Zan Piero (Italian official, active 18th century)
463.   ............ Grimm, Jacob (German author, philologist, 1785-1863)
464.   ............ Grimm, Melchior, Baron von (German writer and diplomat,
 ............ 1723-1807)
465.   ............ Grimm, Wilhelm (German author, linguist, 1786-1859)
466.   ............ Grimod de La Reynière, Alexandre-Balthazar-Laurent (French
 ............ critic, editor, and lawyer, 1758-1837)
467.   ............ Grimod, Pierre-Marie-Gaspard, Comte d'Orsay (French collector,
 ............ 1748-1809)
468.   ............ Grimschitz, Bruno (Austrian draftsman, 1892-1964)
469.   ............ Grinstein, Stanley (American collector and patron, 1927-2014)
470.   ............ Grisi, Giulia (Italian opera singer and sitter, 1811-1869)
471.   ............ Griswold, Harlan H. (American preservationist, active
 ............ late 20th century)
472.   ............ Griswold, John N. A. (American financier, ca. 1821-1909)
473.   ............ Griswold, Mac K. (writer, contemporary)
474.   ............ Gritti, Andrea, Doge of Venice (Venetian doge, 1455-1538)
475.   ............ Grodecki, Louis (French art historian, 1910-1982)
476.   ............ Grodzinski, Vera (Btritish author, contemporary)
477.   ............ Groenke, Gisela (German collector, contemporary)
478.   ............ Groenke, Klaus (German collector, contemporary)
479.   ............ Grohmann, Will (German art historian, 1887-1968)
480.   ............ Grolier, Jean, Vicomte d'Agnisy (French official and
 ............ collector, 1479-1565)
481.   ............ Gropius, Ise (German architectural critic and historian,
 ............ 1897-1983)
482.   ............ Gropp, Louis Oliver (editor, contemporary)
483.   ............ Groseclose, Barbara S. (American art historian, contemporary)
484.   ............ Groslier, George (French art historian, 1887-1945)
485.   ............ Grosman, Tatyana (American print publisher of Russian
 ............ birth, 1904-1982)
486.   ............ Grosseteste, Robert (English theologian, ca. 1168-1253)
487.   ............ Gross, Hans (Austrian criminologist, 1847-1915)
488.   ............ Grossman, David (Israeli author, 1954-)
489.   ............ Grossman, Elizabeth Greenwell (American art historian,
 ............ born 1940)
490.   ............ Grosvenor, Gerald Cavendish (British landowner, born
 ............ 1951)
491.   ............ Grou, Christian (Romanian architectural filmmaker, born
 ............ 1969)
492.   ............ Groult, Camille (French collector, 1837-1908)
493.   ............ Grout, Catherine (French art historian, contemporary)
494.   ............ Groys, Boris (German philosopher, critic, and art historian,
 ............ born 1947)
495.   ............ Groz, Walther (German collector, active 20th century)
496.   ............ Grubbs, David (American musician, born 1967)
497.   ............ Gruben, Gottfried (German architectural historian, 1929-2003)
498.   ............ Gruber, Werner J. (German musician, contemporary)
499.   ............ Grünberg, Ann (German art historian, born 1973)
500.   ............ Grundström, Claës (Swedish architectural historian, 1844-1925)
578 results
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