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Aden, Gulf of
Adriatic Sea
Aegean Sea
Ålands Hav
Amundsen Sea
Andaman Sea
Aqaba, Gulf of
Arabian Sea
Arafura Sea
Arctic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Azovs’ke More
Baffin Bay
Bali, Laut
Baltic Sea
Banda, Laut
Barents Sea
Bashi Channel
Bass Strait
Beaufort Sea
Bellingshausen Sea
Beloye More
Bengal, Bay of
Bering Sea
Bering Strait
Biscay, Bay of
Bismarck Sea
Black Sea
Bo Hai
Bonifacio, Strait of
Bothnia, Gulf of
Caicos Passage
California, Gulf of
Caribbean Sea
Carpentaria, Gulf of
Caspian Sea
Celebes Sea
Celtic Sea
Ceram Sea
Chukchi Sea
Cilicius Aulon
Coral Sea
Davis Sea
Davis Strait
Denmark Strait
Dixon Entrance
Dover, Strait of
Drake Passage
East China Sea
English Channel
Finland, Gulf of
Flores, Laut
Florida, Straits of
Gdansk, Gulf of
Gibraltar, Strait of
Great Australian Bight
Guinea, Gulf of
Halmahera, Laut
Honduras, Gulf of
Hormuz, Strait of
Indian Ocean
Ionian Sea
Irish Sea
Japan, Sea of
Jawa, Laut
Johore Strait
Juan de Fuca, Strait of
Karskoye More
Korea Bay
Korea Strait
Kritikón Pélagos
Labrador Sea
Laccadive Sea
Laquedives, Mer des
Ligurian Sea
Lincoln Sea
Malacca, Strait of
Maluku, Laut
Marmara Denizi
Mediterranean Sea
Mexico, Gulf of
More Laptevykh
Mozambique Channel
Nares Strait
North Pacific
North Sea
Norwegian Sea
Okhotsk, Sea of
Pacific Ocean
Persian Gulf
Philippine Sea
Plata, Río de la
(estuary) [
Pomeranian Bay
Red Sea
Riga, Gulf of
Ross Sea
Saint George's Channel
Savu Sea
Scotia Sea
Seto Naikai
Sicily, Strait of
Singapore Strait
Solomon Sea
South China Sea
Southern Ocean
South Pacific
Surt, Khalīj
Taiwan Haixia
Tasman Sea
Thailand, Gulf of
Timor Sea
Tonkin, Gulf of
Tyrrhenian Sea
Venice, Gulf of
Vostochno Sibirskoye More
Weddell Sea
Western Channel
Yellow Sea
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