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ID: 7006732
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Record Type: administrative
Hierarchy of Montecassino, Abbazia di (abbey)  Montecassino, Abbazia di (abbey)

Lat: 41 29 00 N  degrees minutes   Lat: 41.4833  decimal degrees
Long: 013 48 00 E  degrees minutes   Long: 13.8000  decimal degrees

Note: Abbey founded by St. Benedict of Norcia, who died there. It was sacked by Lombards in 589, destroyed by Saracens in 884, and damaged by an earthquake in 1349. The monastery was rebuilt in the early 1500s, and the church was rebuilt and completed by 1727. It suffered more damage at the hands of the French in 1798, but was restored once again by Pope Pius VII. In 1806, it was secularized by Joseph Bonaparte, but nine years later, it was re-established. The abbey was reduced to ruins by Allied bombing in 1944, but has since been completely restored to its appearance after being rebuilt in 1727.

Montecassino, Abbazia di (preferred,C,V)
Abbazia di Montecassino (C,V,display)
Monte Cassino (C,V)
Montecassino (C,V)

Hierarchical Position:
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of Europe (continent)  ....  Europe (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of Italia (nation)  ........  Italia (nation) (P)
Hierarchy of Lazio (region (administrative division))  ............  Lazio (region (administrative division)) (P)
Hierarchy of Frosinone (province)  ................  Frosinone (province) (P)
Hierarchy of Montecassino, Abbazia di (abbey)  ....................  Montecassino, Abbazia di (abbey) (P)

Place Types:
abbey (preferred, B)  ............  founded ca. 529 AD
monastery (C)

Sources and Contributors:
Abbazia di Montecassino..........  [VP]
.........................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
.........................................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Montecassino..........  [GRLPSC]
.......................  TCI: Lazio (1981) 625
Monte Cassino..........  [GRLPSC, VP]
..........................  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
..........................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
..........................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988) 784
Montecassino, Abbazia di..........  [VP Preferred]
.........................................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
.........................................  NIMA, GEOnet Names Server (1996-1998)
Subject: .....  [GRLPSC, VP]
..................  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
..................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
..................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -122240
..................  NIMA, GEOnet Names Server (1996-1998)
..................  TCI: Lazio (1981) 625
..................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988) 784
English .......... [VP]
..........  Grove Art Online (2003-2008) accessed 6 July 2007


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