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Semantic View (JSONRDFN3/TurtleN-Triples)

ID: 300236453
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Record Type: concept
sunglasses (eyeglasses, <equipment for personal vision use>, ... Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name))


Note: Eyeglasses with colored or tinted lenses that protect the eyes from the glare of sunlight.
sunglasses (preferred,C,U,LC,English,AD,U,SN)
sunglasses (American English-P,D,U,PN)
glasses, sun (C,U,American English,UF,U,N)
sun glasses (C,U,American English,UF,U,N)
sun-glasses (C,U,British English-P,D,U,PN)
dark glasses (C,U,British English,UF,U,N)
glasses, dark (C,U,British English,UF,U,N)
zonnebrillen (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,PN)
zonnebril (C,U,Dutch,AD,U,SN)
lunettes de soleil (C,U,French-P,D,U,PN)
paires de lunettes de soleil (C,U,French,AD,PN)
paire de lunettes de soleil (C,U,French,AD,SN)
lunettes fumées (C,U,French,UF,U,N)
lunettes noires (C,U,French,UF,U,N)
lunettes solaires (C,U,French,UF,U,N)
Sonnenbrillen (C,U,German,D,PN)
Sonnenbrille (C,U,German-P,AD,SN)
γυαλιά ηλίου (C,U,Greek-P,AD,SN)
משקפי שמש (C,U,Hebrew-P,AD,SN)
occhiali da sole (C,U,Italian-P,AD,SN)
naočare za sunce (C,U,Serbian-P,D,SN)
gafas de sol (C,U,Spanish-P,D,U,PN)

Facet/Hierarchy Code:  V.TH

Hierarchical Position:

Hierarchy of Objects Facet
Objects Facet
Hierarchy of Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
.... Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of Tools and Equipment (hierarchy name)
........ Tools and Equipment (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of equipment
............ equipment (G)
Hierarchy of <equipment by context>
................ <equipment by context> (G)
Hierarchy of personal equipment
.................... personal equipment (G)
Hierarchy of <equipment for personal vision use>
........................ <equipment for personal vision use> (G)
Hierarchy of eyeglasses
............................ eyeglasses (G)
Hierarchy of sunglasses
................................ sunglasses (G)

Additional Notes:
Dutch ..... Brillen met gekleurde of getinte glazen die de ogen beschermen tegen fel zonlicht. 
German ..... Brille mit farbigen oder getönten Linsen, die die Augen vor blendendem Sonnenlicht schützt. 

Sources and Contributors:
γυαλιά ηλίου............  [EFHA]
.......................  European Fashion Heritage Association database (2015-) 10642
.......................  Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation database (2018-)
משקפי שמש............  [EFHA]
....................  European Fashion Heritage Association database (2015-) 10642
....................  Israel Museum, Jerusalem for fashion database (2018-)
dark glasses............  [VP]
.......................  Oxford English Dictionary (1989)
gafas de sol............  [CDBP-SNPC Preferred]
.......................  O'Hara, Enciclopedia de la Moda (1989) 132
.......................  The Oxford- Duden Pictorial Spanish and English Dictionary (1995)
glasses, dark............  [VP]
..........................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
glasses, sun............  [VP]
.......................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
lunettes de soleil............  [AASLH, CHIN / RCIP Preferred, VP]
...................................  AASLH data (2016-)
...................................  CHIN / RCIP translation (2016-)
...................................  CHIN database (1988-)
...................................  Nomenclature database (2018-); scheme: Nomenclature-Objects
...................................  Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage translation project (2016-) 2761
...................................  Parks Canada Descriptive Dictionary of Objects / Dictionnaire descriptif d’objets (c 1996)
lunettes fumées............  [CHIN / RCIP]
.............................  CHIN database (1988-)
lunettes noires............  [CHIN / RCIP]
.............................  CHIN database (1988-)
lunettes solaires............  [CHIN / RCIP]
................................  CHIN database (1988-)
naočare za sunce............  [EFHA]
.............................  European Fashion Heritage Association database (2015-) 10642
.............................  Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade database (2018-)
occhiali da sole............  [EFHA]
.............................  European Fashion Heritage Association database (2015-) 10642
.............................  Museo Rossimoda della Calzatura database (2018-)
paire de lunettes de soleil............  [EFHA]
...............................................  European Fashion Heritage Association database (2015-) 10642
...............................................  Musée des Arts Décoratifs database (2018-)
paires de lunettes de soleil............  [EFHA]
...............................................  European Fashion Heritage Association database (2015-) 10642
...............................................  Musée des Arts Décoratifs database (2018-)
Sonnenbrille............  [IfM-SMB-PK Preferred]
.......................  Duden [online] (2011-)
.......................  DWDS - Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache [online] (2008-)
.......................  GND - Gemeinsame Normdatei
Sonnenbrillen............  [IfM-SMB-PK]
..........................  Duden [online] (2011-)
sunglasses............  [AASLH Preferred, CHIN / RCIP, EFHA Preferred, VP Preferred]
.......................  AASLH data (2016-)
.......................  CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-)
.......................  Chenhall, Revised Nomenclature (1988)
.......................  CHIN / RCIP translation (2016-)
.......................  European Fashion Heritage Association database (2015-) 10642
.......................  Nomenclature 3.0 for Museum Cataloging (2010)
.......................  Nomenclature database (2018-); scheme: Nomenclature-Objects
.......................  Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage translation project (2016-) 2761
.......................  Parks Canada Descriptive Dictionary of Objects / Dictionnaire descriptif d’objets (c 1996)
.......................  Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1987)
.......................  Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961) illustration
sun glasses............  [VP]
.......................  CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-)
.......................  National Museum of American History, Dictionary of Costume (n.d.)
sun-glasses............  [VP]
.......................  Oxford English Dictionary (1989)
zonnebril............  [AAT-Ned, EFHA]
....................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
....................  Centraal Museum Utrecht, MoMu Fashion Museum of Antwerp databases (2018-)
....................  European Fashion Heritage Association database (2015-) 10642
....................  Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
zonnebrillen............  [AAT-Ned Preferred, EFHA]
.......................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
.......................  Centraal Museum Utrecht, MoMu Fashion Museum of Antwerp databases (2018-)
.......................  European Fashion Heritage Association database (2015-) 10642
.......................  Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
Subject: .....  [AASLH, AAT-Ned, CDBP-SNPC, CHIN / RCIP, EFHA, IfM-SMB-PK, VP]
............  AASLH data (2016-)
............  Centraal Museum Utrecht, MoMu Fashion Museum of Antwerp databases (2018-)
............  CHIN / RCIP translation (2016-)
............  CHIN database (1988-)
............  European Fashion Heritage Association database (2015-) 10642
............  Israel Museum, Jerusalem for fashion database (2018-)
............  Musée des Arts Décoratifs database (2018-)
............  Museo Rossimoda della Calzatura database (2018-)
............  Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade database (2018-)
............  Nomenclature database (2018-); scheme: Nomenclature-Objects
............  Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage translation project (2016-)
............  Parks Canada Descriptive Dictionary of Objects / Dictionnaire descriptif d’objets (c 1996)
............  Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation database (2018-)
............  Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
English .......... [VP]
.......... Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1987)
Dutch .......... [AAT-Ned]
.......... AAT-Ned (1994-)
.......... Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989)
German .......... [IfM-SMB-PK]
.......... IfM Berlin


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