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zhùchǔ (column bases, <bases and base components for columns>, ... Components (hierarchy name)) |
Note: In traditional Chinese architecture, zhuchu (literally the stone plinth or foundation (chu 礎) of a pillar (zhu 柱) (Kroll 2015, 58; Hanyu dacidian online)) generally refers to the stone that supports a pillar. It consists of an upper part aboveground which supports the pillar foot (zhujiao 柱脚) and a lower part buried underground, the top of which is generally level with the surface of the building platform. The style and material of pillar bases differs according to time and region. In early human settlements, there is evidence that wooden planks or wooden blocks were used as pillar bases. In the southern part of China, two separate parts work together to support the pillar. The upper one is called gudeng 鼓磴 (lit. “drum step”), the lower one is sangshi 磉石 (lit. “pillar base stone”), both are made of stone. The stone “drums” of traditional architecture in the southern part of China and the stone blocks supporting the stone drums jointly assume the role of pillar bases. The pillar base can effectively prevent the decay of the wooden pillar foot by raising it off the wet ground. Furthermore, by stopping the absorption of moisture around the pillar foot, it helps prevent the shrinkage of the wood (ATTCAT 2019). 9 |
Terms: |
zhùchǔ (preferred,B,U,English-P,D,L,B)
zhùchǔ (Chinese (transliterated Pinyin)-P,D,U,B)
zhuchu (C,U,English,UF,L,B)
zhuchu (Chinese (transliterated Pinyin without tones),UF,U,U)
柱礎 (C,U,Chinese (traditional),UF,U,U)
柱础 (C,U,Chinese (simplified),UF,U,U)
Facet/Hierarchy Code: V.PJ |
Hierarchical Position:
Objects Facet |
.... Components (hierarchy name) (G) |
........ components (objects parts) (G) |
............ <components by specific context> (G) |
................ architectural elements (G) |
.................... <structural elements and components for structural elements> (G) |
........................ structural elements (G) |
............................ <supporting and resisting elements> (G) |
................................ <columns and column components> (G) |
.................................... column components (G) |
........................................ <bases and base components for columns> (G) |
............................................ column bases (G) |
................................................ zhùchǔ (G,U) |
Additional Notes: |
Chinese (traditional) ..... 中國古代建築中,柱礎通常是指施用於柱下的塊石,包括高於地坪承托柱子的上部,埋於地坪下與階沿石相平的下部,上下為一整體,用於隔離水汽對木柱腳侵蝕。柱礎的樣式具有時代和地域特征,其材料和指代的對象在不同時期和地域也有所改變,早期人類文化遺址中有以木板或木塊作為柱礎的做法。而南方傳統建築中的鼓磴和承托鼓磴的磉石共同承擔了柱礎的作用 (ATTCAT 2019)。“柱礎”一詞最早出現在漢《淮南子說林訓》. 東漢經學家高誘 (d. 212) 注礎本意為柱下石. 宋《營造法式》 對柱礎有系統的定義和梳理,從尺寸、紋樣、鐫刻等方面對造柱礎之制進行了規定 (李 2009, 3.5b).“柱礎”有諸多同義詞。明清時常同時使用“柱頂石”。此外, “柱礎”二字在《營造法原》中含義被擴大為柱下之基礎,“柱底之基礎,包括磉石下之石基”:地坪之上的(石鼓,gǔ)磴,(石鼓,gǔ)磴下與階沿相平的磉石和磉石以下基礎共同被稱為柱礎(姚 et al. 1986, 112)。根據考古資料,仰韶文化時期的安陽後崗遺址中,有較為成熟的深埋塊石作為柱礎的實例。安陽殷墟遺址中,有以天然卵石為柱礎的做法,同時也發現了銅鑕遺跡。西周中期陝西扶風召陳遺址中素夯土摻有大礫石夯築築基,其上置平整礫石,基底埋深至土壤凍結深度以下。最晚至西漢,柱礎或圓或方,並高出地坪,有效解決了柱腳深埋引起的水害問題。漢以後的柱礎經歷多種形式變化,唐宋逐成定式 (劉 2003, 103; 李 1978, 14; 楊 2008, 152-157; 唐 1959, 45-55, 151-160, 183) |
Sources and Contributors: |